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Colored transparency collection: Allen Nossaman Book 2


[...]nuation of the ghost town
collection building concept. If more slides for this sparse[...]
[...]140 Short
Street. It has been a residential building for some time.

The Park Lane Hotel [D-9 and lOR] was opened in 1928. The building was
leveled later in 1966 to make roo[...]
[...]Mar 1966
D- 9R Park Lane Hotel at Denver. I think the striking Park
Lane Hote[...]st of my views of
the classic school building at Maysville shows the
[...]trip on the Silverton Branch of the
Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad. With the ex[...]
[...]when it was still at Tacoma. The
building was moved to Durango and remodeled.[...]
[...]road connection
with Gunnison on the Denver & Rio Grande. Jul 28 1966
D- 8U Sch[...]onment. (1 believe the
school was a building out of this scene at the
left, and a[...]nt. If my logistics
are correct, the building at the right may be
the schoo[...]
[...]Depot at Aspen. This was the Aspen depot of the Denver &
Rio Grande Western while it was st[...]freight door on the right
end of the building. [Moved] Jul 30 1966
D- 2V[...]nusual old
lumber office and storage building was up against
the tailored ski slop[...]Jul 30 1966
D-15V Store at Aspen. This store building was located at
Fourth and Mai[...]
The two-story building at Ashcroft [18, 19, 20] was named

D-17V Log Building at Ashcroft. With its roof gone, the[...]D-18V Store at Ashcroft. This classic old store building has
been characteristic of Ashcroft[...]ws and the remaining portions of
the building's cornice. Jul 31[...]This is a side view of the front portion of the building
in D-18V and D-19V. The view is almo[...]I never
did, for example, see a two-story building at Bowman nor
a surviving two-stor[...]
[...]Jul 31 1966
D-16W Log Building at Tin Cup. This abandoned chinked-log[...]
[...]ol Apartments, a two-story faculty
residence building built in 1929.

The Ryssby church was[...]
[...]ail of the street
side of the building. Aug 1[...]
[...]Nicholas Judd Nossaman, to Karen Aileen Kaiser in Denver.
* D- lY Two similar exposures of the bride a[...]church
(St. in Denver) after thw eedding:
D-15Y Nick behind Karen[...]rst
home on East 14th Avenue in Denver. Sep 10 1966
« D-19[...]
[...]ies of images taken during the
visit of a Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad work train[...]
Hartsel in South Park. The hotel building originally
had an addition to the le[...]his photograph! The remainder of the
building burned in . This view is north­[...]
interviews produced no name for this building or location.
[...]approach to the Alpine
Tunnel of the Denver, South Park & Pacific Rail­
road. T[...]Aug 1967
E-14D Tunnel Creek Tank: Denver, South Park & Pacific [Fallen].
This[...]approach to the Alpine Tunnel of the
Denver, South Park & Pacific Railroad. An east-[...]

E- 2E The Palisades: Denver, South Park & Pacific. This is[...]
situated Inside the enginehouse building, in its
southwestern corner.[...]k. More colorful than the lone whole
building was this ruin of a log structure right[...]
[...]E- 7F that was in the foothills west of Denver, possibly
near Boulder, but one[...]y of trolley car No. 46
from the Denver Tramway system. This was one of the[...]ulder (on Mapleton Avenue?). The
building was used as the exterior of the house[...]
[...]residence on the north side of the Bent Elbow building,
and was first spotted by a trucker[...]ctly in front of the Bent
Elbow building, showing the remnants of the front[...]view of the front of the burned
building, taken in an easterly direction from[...]from
the sidewalk south of the building, looking back
at the front of t[...]collapsed. Water played
on the building froze, and government snow-blowing[...]
[...]road yard, with
locomotive No. 473 of the Denver & Rio Grande Western
Railroad taki[...]
[...]Madison Street apartment house in Denver. Karen
is pregnant with Wen[...]
E-lOH Tabor Block, Denver. This view of the historic Tabor
Block, also known as the Nassau Building, was
taken shortly before demolition[...]s was the Larimer Street side of
the building; the intersection was at 16th Street.[...]1968
E-llH Tivoli Brewery, Denver. This exposure features the main
building, erected in 1890 as the Milwaukee Brewery[...]Bridge over Cherry
Creek in downtown Denver, where the early settle­
ment of Denver began, commemorated by the plaque on[...]at the far right. The most prominent
building in the background (at the left) is the
old Mountain States Telephone Building. 1968
[...]t was torn down very early in the 1970s.

The building in E-14H is the West Court Hotel. [See:[...]

E-13H Inter-Ocean Hotel, Denver [Razed]. This classic old
hotel building was erected by a former slave and[...]n of 16th and Blake Streets. The
building was razed soon after this photograph. 1968 *
E-14H This building always fascinated me, and I do not recall[...]s. I believe it was an
apartment building, and I think it was on Court
Pla[...]The oldest surviving church structure in Denver,
this building was erected as the Emmanuel Episcopal[...]al School.
Although the school was in Denver, the ceremony was on
the campu[...]
[...]ront of the old French Bakery
E-16I building on Greene Street in Silverton, occupied[...]the
first name and use of the building's second floor
as a ho[...]
[...]ylor, who had some salvage rights to
the old building, and who kept the other half of the railing.
[...]ue— to the original
Mercy Hospital building at Durango. The building
was erected in 1884 through the effo[...]ssistance of Bishop Machebeuf
of the Denver diocese, from stone quarried in the[...]ot
readily visible at this point.The building was Oct 1968
[...]at— Portland or
nearby Ramona. The building later served as
the Ouray County Poo[...]ture. 1968 (?)
This building has sometimes incorrectly been[...]
[...]made to the Red Mountain area. The
E- 5K building is one of the abandoned cabins near Red[...]
[...]ime between E-J and E-K.

E- IN Posey & Wingate Building at Silverton. This was the
appearance of the old Posey & Wingate Building
at 13th and Greene Streets in Silve[...]d doors, later replaced.
One of the building's novel features was the presence[...]
The structure in E-80 and E-90 was the Belmont Building [1892], which
was actually being moved at th[...]n Telluride. In order to do this, he cut the
building in half (which I didn't realize at the tim[...]
[...]* Jun 1969
E-14N Modern building in Canon City, likely either the
Tow[...]at Canon City [1892]. This red
stone building was the Baptist Church, at
107 N. 7t[...]ont of the Aug 1969
theater building is at the left in this view.[...]
[...]p. This
sign was on the front of the building which housed
the Masonic Hall, and h[...]ocation
of this abandoned commercial building, but took
this exposure because of t[...]Drug Store, at Colorado and Fir,
the building having been erected in 1889. The
local bakery. Both the sign and building have long
since vanished.[...]
[...]School at Cedar Hill (N.M.)* This old school building
at Cedar Hill had been adatpe[...]of the Farmington Branchy this was the Denver &
Rio Grande Western Railroad[...]of the Aztec, New Mexico, depot of the Denver & Rio
Grande, shows the signz[...]is 2as the water
tank for the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad[...]
[...]ries of images was taken as the onset of
Denver's urban "renewal" program gathered steam and the
wholesale demolition of Denver's downtown past began in
earnest. I cert[...]ny banks in that area.

E- 8P Daniels & Fisher Building, Denver. This fortunate
exposure shows not[...]Tower at the left, but the four-story store building
which was still attached to it at t[...]two
E-ISP exposures into the front of the building housing
The Silverton Standard and[...]vening partition in the front of the building at
this time, and thus most[...]
E-20P Depot at Blanca. This was the Denver & Rio Grande
Western Railro[...]
[...]w of the east side of
E-15Q the depot building standing in Cole Park. This was[...]
E- 2R most likely a railroad building. From the context
on this[...]

E-IOS This exposure shows the old stone building at Ridgway
made over into the Fort S[...]e Grit."
The belfry was added to the building, and is one
of the few embellishment[...]or rented rooms which dated from the
building's days as a boarding house.
E-20S View of the f[...]he newly received plaque
marking the building as a Historic Site in
[...]the log prop against the
chinked-log building, and the skyline reminiscent[...]

E-18V School at Arriola. This school building has all the
design elements of the s[...]m assuming
this is a freshly painted building pictured
earlier in B-IP.[...]nicely designed cinder-block
church building was erected in 1948, and is
[...]tion stone and
brick structure, this building served a variety
of Masonic function[...]passes. 1971
E- 7W Denver & Rio Grande Depot at Littleton [Moved]. This[...]s, was at this time
the oldest depot building still in service on
any D&RGW line.[...]signated the oldest surviving school
building in Colorado, originally built along[...]
[...]ta Fe emblem over that window on
the building. This bay window would originally
have been the track-side, or west, window of
the building. The structure was repainted red
and[...]unity soon
after built a new library building, and this
structure was converted to[...]1971
E-13W Old Creamery Building at Littlton. This old frame
structure at Littleton, once a building used
on a dairy operation, had alrea[...]County after the City and County of Denver was
created from what had been Arapa[...]1971
E-15W Daniels & Fisher Tower, Denver, Standing Alone. This
exposure was m[...]e
store's site, and the marks of the building's
connections are still on the tower[...]1971
E-16W Tabor Block, Denver. This 1879 structure, targeted
for d[...]steam in its destruction of downtown Denver.
(See notes at E-lOH; it remained va[...]1971
E-17W Essex Building, Denver. This fine old office build­
ing wa[...]1971
This building is familiar^me, most likely as
a ban[...]ornice does not have
the name of the building, but "MCMVIII,"
noting its ap[...]
The W.S. Cheesman Building was situated on the southern corner of
the i[...]This view is of the 17th Street
side of the building. A widow's walk above the cornice had been
r[...]he time of this photograph.

The Curtis & Clarke Building [1874] was demolished as part of the
Denver Urban Renewal Project.

E-19W The Passing Scene, Denver, 1971. Although by now
I realized m[...]1971
E-20W Cheesman Building, Denver [1881][Razed]. While there
is a lot[...]on Blake Street, and I
suspect this building may well have been on
that street as[...]1971
E-21W Curtis & ClaHi^e Building, Denver. Even less is known
about this building, and I can't recall its
location, al[...]to was taken. 1971
E-22W Brandenburg Building, Denver [ ][Razed]. This is
yet another building on the lower side of down­
town Denver, probably on Market or V7azee Streets,[...]ow the front of the 50-foot
E-24W business building on Greene Street which once
housed B[...]forced
by the Town of Silverton. The building, which
stood in the center of the 11[...]ling his
market about this time. The building has been, and
eventually agai[...]
[...]dition to the Bordeleau Hardware
building; it had occupied the 25 feet between the
main building and the brick San Juan Cafe and[...]Aug 1971
E- 6X Orella Building Stairway, Silverton [Razed]. This is[...]exterior stairway on the
Orella Building on East 13th Street in Silverton,[...]of demolition. By this time, the
building housed The Crewel Elephant, and owners
Bill and Melissa Howell were building a new
greenhouse entry to the se[...]imb up the front of the Standard
building, with Siegfried "supporting" him.[...]
[...]largely stripped for firewood. This
building was later restored.[...]ring view of the town hall
shows the building four years before the Centennial
res[...]in the background. May 1972
E-19X Whitelaw Building at Silverton [1901]. This two-story[...]n. May 1972
E-20X Chicago Saloon Building at Silverton [1896]. This classic
building, with bay window on the second floor, was[...]972
of this photo. The Outdoor World building has not
yet been built.
[...]asazi are believed to have
started building this complex around 600 A.D. The[...]
on the Dotsero Cutoff of the Denver & Rio Grande
Western Railroad. The[...]E- 8Z Bond. This is the point at which the old Denver & Salt
Lake Railroad met the new Dotsero Cutoff work
of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad to
co[...]em to recall, was not a depot but
a building the railroad erected to house retired[...]appendage on the right side of the building.
This view would be westerly[...]
[...]ted at First and Main Streets.
The Public Library building at Yampa was built as a bank in 1903. It was[...]ry' and museum. It is at 301 Main Street.

The building in E-22Z may be the Okk Creek Inn, circa 1908.
[...]at Yampa. An abandoned general store
building at Yampa; the sign propped sideways in[...]uent paint
jobs on this quaint store building at Yampa. The
back of the painted ch[...]h of a more
basic denomination, this building was serving as the
home of the Yampa[...]may
have been an adapted commercial building. May 1972
E-17Z Church of the Naz[...]1972

E-19Z Church at Phippsburg. This church building was well
cared for despite its thoro[...]sort, I believe this was
the school building at Phippsburg. May 1972
E-21[...]May 1972
E-22Z 1 have assumed this building with its two-story porch
[...]Jun 1972
F- 5B Store Building at DeBeque [Razed]. This stone and
fr[...]ack for service graced this business
building at DeBeque. Jun[...]been frame, but it seems to me
this building did have some connection with the Jun 197[...]n one of the wide door­
ways in the building, with the loading dock in
the foregr[...]e dome had been refinished
since the building was erected in 1907. Jun 1[...]
Street on the right. The Wyman Building is in the
center foreground, the T[...]in this scene and the old hospital
building right of center. Significant in this view[...]down on the old San Juan County Jail building to
the northeast of the cou[...]
[...]y carved wooden window lintels, this
building was erected by Lake City beer hall owner[...]
[...]Oct 1972
F- 3F Sherwin & Houghton Building at Silverton [I860]. One
of the firs[...]s in western Colorado,
this handsome building now houses The Pickle
Barrel Restaur[...]Silverton [1896]. By this time, this
building which had housed the Teller House and[...]Co. and Baker's
Park Mercantile. The building was erected by
Charles Fischer. [125[...]Oct 1972
F- 8F Ressouches Building at Silverton [1884]. This ornate
building was built with an insurance settlement by[...]

F- 9F Silverton Supply Building at Silverton [Caved-In].
part of this view of the only building in this
series that isn't still in p[...]photographs exist later.]
F-lOF Posey & Wingate Building at Silverton [1880]. Likely the
oldest brick building in western Colorado, this
structure[...]lverton, was upstairs
in the Hoffman Building. Carl Curtis Hardware
succeeded Hoff[...]Oct 1972
F-12F Bausman Block [1895], Rogers Building [Star Theater]
[1909] and War Memorial Signboard at Silverton.
On the left is the building erected by George
Bausman to house h[...]ug Store of Art Lorenzon.
The Rogers Building started as a saloon, then
F-13F Wyman Block at Silverton [1902] . This building was
erected of native red san[...]
The El Paso County Courthouse building was erected in 1903.

F-14F Pearson Building [1876] and Walters Building [1907]
at Silverton. The left-hand frame building is
one of the oldest in Silverton, h[...]rst
laundromat. The right-hand brick building was
erected by John Walters and was[...]Eight-Ball Recreation Center— the building in
which George Bingel raised the fl[...]ngs. This
most impressive courthouse building was later
acquired for the Pi[...]
[...]he first time I photo­
graphed this building. Jan 1973
F-15G[...]re at Sargents. This abandoned store
building was in the settlement proper, supplanted[...]he Nossaman home on
Dexter Street in Denver at this time. Nov 1972[...]
[...]hall and separate fire department building at
Palmer Lake.[...]was on the grounds of the hotel building in
15H and 16H above.[...]Nov 1972
F-21H Out West Building at Colorado Springs. This old red[...]
[...]is frame residence, now
an apartment building, was built by Stephen
Finley in 1890[...]color scheme. I am
not certain this building was a designated land­
which shows the original church building prior
to the addition of a parsonage[...]m mining investments, this red
brick building was an elegant structure after the
t[...]now ih the
Grand Imperial Hotel. The building's fortunes Mar 1973
waned a[...]t Silverton [1899] . This old saloon
building (at 1260 Blair Street) was built and[...]ng post is from movie set
days. This building was Red Ash's Saloon for
the filming[...]F-I8I Jay Witt's Legal Office, Posey & Wingate Building,
Silverton. This is the 13th Street side of the
Posey & Wingate Building at 13th and Greene, and
this was the[...]since the last hardware store in the building
closed. (This is now the doorway t[...]2J Newspaper Office at Palisade. This old store building
was the shop and office of th[...]
[...]8J may be the Smith House, built in 1899.

The building in F-14J was indeed constructed around 189[...]
[...]c. concern. Apr 1973
F- 4J Brick Building at Palisade. While it has the look of a[...], and was printed on a press
in this building that dated from 1870. Apr 1973
F-12J Shelf Hardware Building at Grand Valley [Parachute]. Apr 1973
F-[...]ley. I believe this was the old bank
building at this settlement, converted to residential[...]at Grand Valley [now Parachute]. The
building didn't look like much, as I recall, so[...]16J Abandoned Store at Grand Valley. This brick building
had once housed one of the mo[...]
[...]. The Glenwood Springs
depot of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad
was s[...]rted in
Glenwood Springs.
F- 0K(1) Depot Building at New Castle. I must have thought it[...]on the back side of a brick
store building at New Castle. Inferior background[...]p from any
signage, I believe this building was at Silt,
initially a fi[...]
[...]ht F-lOK was in Silt. The false front charred
building in F-llK and F-12K has to be at New Castle[...]
[...]at Silt. This charred false front
building, possibly a small railroad yard
wa[...]harred area was on
the side of the building in the view above. Apr 1973
F-14K[...]obliterated any sign
of what this building had been in its past. The
tapered[...]t. This long-abandoned brick
store building was at the east end of Silt. Apr[...]
F- 5N Discarded.
F- 6N Tramway Cable Building, Denver [1889]. This modified
Romanesque[...]he offices
and power plant of the Denver City Cable Railway
Company, whose name appears over the arch. The
Denver Tramway Company bought the facility in 1899[...]head electric
trolleys. Here, the building has just been restored
and reopen[...]Oct 1973
F- 7N Arch on Market Street, Denver,[Razed]. There is no
identifying date or building name connected with
this ornate a[...]Oct 1973
F- 8N Hitchings Block, Denver [1892]. This view of the
Hitching[...]a year before its designation as a Denver Land­
mark, with the E.J. Scarry[...]Oct 1973
F- 9N Lindner Building, Denver [1881]. This structure, built
for[...]t warehouse and
identified by the Denver Landmark Commission as
the Liebhardt-Lindner Building, is next door
north of the Hitchi[...]Street. It, too, was designated as a Denver
Landmark the year following this[...]is quite old dark brick
two-story building, which was probably also on[...]

F-llN Baker Building [1879][Razed]. I do have a scrap of[...]day's
photography, which lists this building as being
in the 1300 Block of Larime[...]n Cherry Creek and
14th Street. This building has several sharp
(and undecayed) features, but apparently did
not survive the Denver demolition derby. Oct 1973
F-12N Arlington Hotel, Denver [ ][Razed]. Although there
do[...]ct 1973
note shred Indicates this building was also in
the 1300 Block on Larimer.[?]
F~13N Building, Denver. This sturdy-appearing
brick structu[...]Oct 1973
F-14N Curtis Street Residence, Denver. I do not have any
specific informat[...]right background. I'm not certain this building
survived to become part of the Ninth[...]5N Gardner and Witte Houses, Ninth Street Park, Denver.
This scene shows two of the houses[...]was designated in
1973, but neither building's restoration had yet
been addressed[...]Oct 1973
F-17N Currigan Hall, Denver. This stylistic shot is of the
facad[...]onstructed Currigan Hall
in downtown Denver. Oct 1[...]
[...]F- 10 1 was impressed on my winter trip to Denver with the
stark desolation[...]
[...]ly after an interior fire gutted
the building. Makeshift barricades have been
erec[...]metal milling operations. The office building is
at the right and the main body of[...]Simon received the contract to raze this building. Apr 1974
F- 4P This is a view fro[...]
[...]cture was taken. May 1974
F-12P Bank Building at Olathe. The deputy sheriff of Montrose[...]nant of this frame
false-front store building at Olathe. May 1974
F-14P J.N. Davies Blacksmithing Building at Olathe. From
the age and s[...]
[...]ements at Spa Lopa at this time.
The building was at the natural hot spring located[...]
[...]May 25 1974
F-21Q Wyman Building at Silverton. This is a good view of
the building when it housed the Silver Queen[...]is G. Wyman
himself when the building was erected to honor
the stu[...]to Nick and Karen and family in Denver, and here,
she is in[...]
around Emerson and Colfax in Denver, but I'm
not certain.[...]Jul 1974
F-19R Scott Methodist Church, Denver [Christ Methodist
[...]. This view of the Maysville
school building, in a northwesterly direction,
was[...]ool bell tower atop the
roof of the building. Sep 1974[...]reason— named the Garden-
Schwartz Building). The Basin [Rexall] Drug
Store was at the south end of the remaining
building, and Levine's occupied the rest of
t[...]2T Detail, Metropole Hotel Wall. The Metropole building was
a full three stories tall, and a good deal higher
than the building to the north. It appears the
outside wall of the taller building has been
retained here for reasons o[...]e north wall of the surviving Newman
Building at 8th and Main, which housed the Kiva[...]imprint on this wall
is that of the building which housed Gardenschwartz
Sporting Goods, a building which preceded the
construction of the Newman Building by several Oct 1974
[...]Nov 1974
F- 8T Bank Building at Delta [1892]. This classic building
was built as the First National Bank[...]Feb 1975
F- 9T This view of the bank building at Delta illustrates
"The Last Chanc[...]age with
data on the photographs taken in Denver during the month
of February on rolls "T"[...]and assists in this endeavor.
F-IOT Rangeleigh Building, Denver [Razed]. This impressive
apartment structure was at 1841 Lincoln Street
in Denver, on the west side of the street. In[...]Feb 16 1975
F-llT Detail, Building, Denver. This is a colored
emblem, integrate[...]m
of one of the windows on the white building on the
southeast corner of the Intersection of 13th and
Lincoln Streets in Denver; the building housed
Barnes Business School at thi[...]Feb 16 1975
F-12T Paramount Apartment Building, Denver [Razed]. This
scene shows the Lincol[...]intersection of 14th and Lincoln in
Denver, in the process of being demolished[...]F-13T Ornamental Detail, Paramount Apartments, Denver [Razed]
This close-up view shows det[...]to the right of the main doorway of the building
facing 14th Street. This structure[...]upied by the Colorado Supreme
Court Building. Feb[...]
[...]of "urban renewal" in downtown Denver during
this period. This is a[...]Feb 16 1975
F-15T Dunning House, Denver [1889]. This Richardsonian
Rom[...]Feb 16 1975
F-16T Samaritan Home, Denver. This complex red brick
struct[...]at 1165 Pennsylvania
Street in Denver. Feb 16 1975[...]the Colorado Press Association convention in Denver.
Indexing preserves access,[...]
[...]ame trip.
F- IV Central Presbyterian Church, Denver ]1890]. This fine
church, at 17th[...]F- 2V El Jebel Shrine (Scottish Rite) Temple, Denver [ca 1908~] .
Apparently not a Denver Landmark, this Shriners'
temple a[...]a view of the western face of the
building. Feb[...]Feb 20 1975
F- 4V Temple Emanuel, Denver [1899]. This Moorish-style temple[...]concert and conference center. This building is
at 1595 Pearl Street, and this[...]Feb 20 1975
F- 5V Mammoth Garden, Denver. This is a view of the Clarkson
S[...]between Colfax and
16th Street in Denver. This view would be in a
southeas[...]uring most of my life­
time, the building was a roller skating rink, but[...]
of Reading, Penn. The Gothic Revival style
building was completed in 1926.

F- 7V Residence, 1532 Emerson Street, Denver. Stone house,
with a corner turret t[...]1975
F- 8V St. Paul's United Methodist Church, Denver. This church
is at or near 16th and Ogden in Denver. Feb 20 1975
F- 9V Bailey Mansion, Denver [1889]. Designed by architect
Willia[...]— to me— was the greatest restaurant in Denver
while I was growing up. We only ate[...]IOV Stained-Glass, Washington Street Residence, Denver.
F-llV These are two imzges of a stained-g[...]the 1600 Block of Washington Street in Denver.
The first view is straight-on, the[...]F-12V Residence, 1600 Block, Washington Street, Denver. This
is a full view of the stone re[...]Feb 20 1975
F-13V International House, Denver. I know this structure only
by its sign in this era. I believe this building
is (or was) on the northeast corner of 16th and
Log'an'Street in^Denver. Feb 20 1975
F-14V St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Denver. This frontal view
of the wes[...]
[...]ruction as the largest hotel
between Denver and Salt Lake City. Feb 19[...]Apr 1975
F- 2W Majestic Building, Denver [Razed]. This classic old
building, beautiful inside and out and designed[...]this scene herald the fact that the
building could not long suit modern tenants.[...]This was the 16th Street side of the building.
F- 3W This view of the Majestic Building (technical address
209 16th S[...]

F- 4W Metropolitan Building, Denver [Razed]. This is a corner
view of the Metropolitan Building, situated at
16th Street and Court P[...]east.
This neighbor of the Majestic Building (corner
just visible at the right) l[...]1975
F- 6W Sixteenth Street Court, Metropolitan Building, Denver
[Razed]. This view shows detail in the recessed
court of the Metropolitan Building, seen again
from the 16th Street sid[...]tural masterpieces of
16th Street in Denver. May 9 1975
F- 7[...]show and
auction at the Regency Hotel in Denver, where I was
staying on this visit[...]
[...]his was at
one time the depot of the Denver & Rio Grande
Western Railroad[...]
[...]tol at Santa Fe. This unique
capitol building, highest in the United States,
This is the east face of the building, as seen
from Old Santa Fe Trail (Avenue). Jun 1975
F-llX Adobe Building at Abiquiu. (?)[...]
[...]This is a track-side view
of the old Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad
depot[...]s was the rotary snowplow OM,
of the Denver & Rio Grande Western, used for snow[...]
The Railway Express Building at Gunnison [G-2A][1882] was erected
for the Denver & Rio Grande Railway Express, and is a mor[...]
[...]ading shot; discarded.
G- 2A Rwy. Express Building at Gunnison. Under exposure is[...]view of
this Gunnison landmark building. This is the
west and front side of the building. Aug 1975
Nick, Karen, Wende and Aason in Denver. Heather spent
a good share[...]
[...]s Guest House
on Washington Street in Denver (at 8th), which Mike
Cummins a[...]
[...]tower that ultimately fell into the
building during the 1992 fire.[...]
The following images are of the former Denver & Rio
Grande railroad depot building at Silverton the after­
noon of Septembe[...]which
was running five minutes late. The building was owned
at the time by the San Juan Cou[...]donation from the
D&RGW and was using the building for artifact storage
and preservat[...]
from the undamaged section of the building at the
right to the damaged freight[...]Sep 12 1975
G-15B Denver & Rio Grande Western Depot at Silverton after[...]irection into the freight end
of the building, shows the damage to what is
technic[...]the items stored in this end
of the building were the plaster-of-Paris
relief map[...]emaining
on the destroyed end of the building, including
the central one, n[...]
[...]28 1975
G- 2C School at Read. This old school building at the community
of Read on Colorad[...]hool District. The sturdy
red brick building faced east, and this view was
taken[...]and Ssore at Read [Abandoned]. This
building is no longer a commercial site, but was,[...]andoned at the time, I believe this
building has been reopened, possibly as a community[...]
The Bank of North Fork building at Hotchkiss was built in 1903.
[...]hkiss [Converted]. This substantial
building had been outgrown for school purposes,[...]what had been the Bank of
North Fork building on Main Street. This view is
northea[...]is impressive stone and frame
school building at Crawford was, I believe, still
in[...]was the fourth and last post
office building at the small ranching area of[...]
[...]was the green and white frame
school building at Maher, now closed but still
well-[...]e log cabin post office
was the only building at Maher were exaggerated one.[...]ighway
50 and the Cimarron Road. The building was built in
1921, in Montros[...]
[...]hedral of the Immaculate Conception,
Denver. A deep blue sky prompted this exposure[...]of the two spires or steeples on the
Denver cathedral. This is the eastern spire[...]Oct 9 1975
G- 2D Temple Emanuel, Denver [1899]. This Moorish-style temple
wa[...]structure is at 1595
Pearl Street in Denver. This view is in a
northwesterly dir[...]- 3D Detail Over Front Doorway, Temple Emanuel, Denver.
This detailed view shows the staine[...]front doorway of
the Temple Emanuel building. Oct 9 1975
G- 4D Residence, 1641 Downing Street, Denver. Oct 9 1975
G- 5D Grafton Apartments, 1001 E. 17th Street, Denver. This
elaborate apartment com[...]
[...]ve Fiorini operated a
clothing store in this building until the Depression, and it was
in this building that first John Fiorini, then his son Noel, opera[...]iness to its East Second Avenue location, and the building was
rented for other commercial enterprises, such as the gallery in the
building at this time. The open ground became a gar[...]
[...]al accuracy in new developments.
The building next north (left), still standing
to[...]Oct 1975
G-14D Stone Building at Riverside, New Mexico. This most
intriguing building, constructed of river rock,
stands o[...]was named
Castleton. I believe this building was built
as a motorists' inf[...]
[...]taurant for many years, beautifully restored. The building was
constructed of what was identified as "g[...]l move directly
through the yard west of the building.

The ultimate fate of the Alamo Hotel building turned out to be a conversion
of a small part[...]n. More than half of the original Alamo
Hotel building was torn down in this process.
[...]Home, Seventeenth Avenue
Parkway, Denver. During this year, the family
move[...]Nov 1975
G-20D Discarded.
G-21D DenverDenver
& Rio Grande Railroad. I think this was the same
building in which the early offices of the rail­
road were housed, before they moved to Denver.
This view is southeasterly.[...]ol of Mines, Golden.
This red brick building was originally the home of
the En[...]ved to be the
largest cobblestone building in the United States.
It w[...]
[...]s a view of the
painted and restored Denver, South Park & Pacific
Railroad Depot[...]ng Stack. While its
attached furnace building had been demolished
by this time, th[...]Dec 1975
G-34D Office Building at Smeltertown [Razed]. This was most
likely the office building, and perhaps the assay
[...]ty wooden stairway
was on the office building at Smeltertown.
The view is to the s[...]composition, reviving
my interest in building a "window" series, showing
four windows on the side of the brick office
building at Smeltertown, in various states of[...]nd floor windows in the brick office
building at Smeltertown uses the window to frame[...]exposed view showing both the office
building and the stack, retained simply for the[...]and the brick Dec 1975
office building are in the background.
The notes d[...]
the existence of an intervening building, the
effect of the heat inside th[...]destroyed the ornate two-story residential building
which had been constructed in 1883[...]r and teacher. The surviving frame
building at the right was Dyson's later surveying[...]the close proximity
of this office building, it is quite remarkable
that it wa[...]d the
south side wall of the office building next door,
which shows signs[...]
[...]e firemen to get closer to the
Dyson building fire. Dec 31[...]posures that morning, and
this was a building I should have photographed long
befo[...]er, assessor and sheriff. That early
building was demolished early in the 20th century,
leaving this newer brick building behind. Dec 31 1975
[...]b 18 1976
G- 2F Pacific National Life Building, San Francisco. Feb 18 1976
G[...]b 18 1976
G- 4F Embarcadero and Ferry Building Tower, San Francisco. Feb 18 1976
G- 5F McNear Building, Petaluma (California). Feb[...]a highly decorated Victorian
building [1885] in Petaluma, which was hanging[...]Feb 1976
G- 8F Victorian Building, Petaluma (California). This was
another similarly designed building in Petaluma,
featuring a dorn[...]Feb 1976
G-lOF Residential Building, Petaluma (California). Feb[...]stic
sticker was somewhere in Denver. Feb 1976
[...]attempt to
enliven otherwise boring building facades.
This first of three example[...]ealed
windows in the side of a brick building by
gracing each window covering with[...]secure a central red
section of the building in which all the windows
seem to be[...]a giant King
Kong figure and several building outlines. I had
thought the red building over which the beast is
hovering was[...]of lights) that it projects
from the building upon which the ape is painted. Mar 1976
G-16F Building Relief Detail, Cincinnati. This striking
and detailed relief work was on a stone building
that was— as I recall and a[...]
[...]of architect William Lang.
It was built for Denver investment banker Wilbur S. Raymond.[...]
G-15G Residence, 1572 Race Street, Denver. This fine
stone house featured a ro[...]r 27 1976
G-16G Residence, 1544 Race Street, Denver [ca 1888]. This
complex residence is[...]r 27 1976
G-17G Residence, 1370 Race Street, Denver, Less is knov/n
of this painted bric[...]27 1976
G-18G Residence, 1200 Williams Street, Denver [1898]. Most
commonly knoqn as the Tears House, this building
was designed by Frederick J. Sterner[...]Central Railroad, Daniel W. Tears. The building
at the time of this photograph, hous[...]Mar 27 1976
G-19G Weicker Depository, Denver. A castellated exterior
raised this[...]ted [1926]
at Colfax and Vine in Denver, and this view is
southeasterly at the corner of the building. Mar 27 1976
G-20G St. Cajetan Church, Denver [1925]. This Spanish
Colonial Reviva[...]at the time of these photos.
Despite Denver Landmark data of 1926, it was
(from[...]8 1976
G-21G Window Detail, St. Cajetan Church, Denver. This window
close-up shows a[...]

G-22G Towers, St. Cajetan Church, Denver. This view, to the
north, concentrat[...]Mar 28 1976
G-23G Tivoli Brewery, Denver [1890]. This more comprehensive
view[...]wery complex at 1342 Tenth
Street in Denver, under a cloudy spring sky. Mar 28 1976
G-24G Lingering Tribute to the Lindell Hotel, Denver. This
inlaid sidewalk once designate[...]to be very bland.
G-25G Detail, Tivoli Brewery Building, Denver. This view
shows detail on one face[...]Mar 28 1976
G-26G West Denver Turn-Halle [1882] . This weathered name­
plate identifies the brick building in the Tivoli
Brewery complex constr[...]life the only
legitimate theater in Denver. This section succeeded
the earliest[...]1890 erection of the larger
brewery building. This structure has been
identified as one of the two oldest buildings
in Denver still on their original site. Mar 28 1976
G-27G Tivoli Tower, Denver [1890]. This is the frontal
tower, f[...]8 1976
G-28G Bar Window Detail, Tivoli Brewery, Denver. This close-
up view shows one of th[...]concern's last popular
innovation— Denver Beer. The brewery went out
of busine[...]ing the
complex into a student union building. Mar 28 1976
G-29G Solf Building, Denver [1896]. This classic corner
[...]f" and
the date of construction. The building had been
abandoned by this time, hav[...]Mar 28 1976
G-30G Detail, Solf Building Tower, Denver. This is a view
from directly beneath the circular corner tower
on the J. Solf Building [1896] at West Colfax
and Morrison R[...]andalized. Mar 28 1976
G-31G Brick Building, 2852 West 14th Avenue, Denver. I thought
at the time I took this photograph that this brick
building had been a school (whatever name plate[...]t in researching the location
of all Denver schools, I do not find this as a
sch[...]e or Hooker.
G-32G Brick House on Howard Place, Denver. This two-story
brick house was on West Howard Place, Denver. Mar 28 1976
G-33G Old House on Howard Place, Denver [Rqzed]. This one-
story residence w[...]this exposure. Mar 28 1976
G-34G Katz Building, Denver [Razed]. This folksy brick
structure was on West Colfax Avenue in Denver,
and had been abandoned for years. Evidence would
suggest that Katz built the building, had one
partner, then had to take a[...]the first one. I seem
to recall this building faced south. Mar 28 1976
G-35G Burlington Freight Depot, Denver [Razed]. This brick
structure, at 1[...]the Burlington Northern Railroad in Denver since
its construction. I would ass[...]28 1976
G-36G Detail, Burlington Freight Depot, Denver [Razed]. This
detail view of[...]
[...]lt by David H.
Moffat to serve his Denver, Northwestern &
Pacific Railroad— the first railroad to directly
connect Denver with points in Utah. This depot
wa[...]West 15th Avenue
(at Bassett) in Denver. This building, too, was
literally passed over by[...]28 1976
G- 2H Second view of the Moffat Depot building, from a greater
distance on the sa[...]Although this wasn't the most attractive building
around, 1 am glad I took this expo[...]d
Animas Volunteer Fire Department building at old
Animas City, for it was soo[...]now the site of the Burns National Bank building.
The building was demolished in May 1976
[...]lH Animas School at Durango [1906] . This stone building
was erected during 1905 and 1906 and[...]in the latter year as the second school building
to serve Animas City. The building now houses
the museum and offices of[...]1976
C-12H This singular exposure shows the Denver & Rio Crande
Depot at Silverton, own[...]ished on the bombed
south end of the building. The new siding has been
primed, but[...]and it was later
this year that the building was leased to Sundance
Publications, Ltd. of Denver to establish tenancy
and security an[...]May 1976
C-14H Operators Car No. 0292, Denver & Rio Crande Western
Railroad, at Si[...]ay 1976
C-15H Mechanic's Diner Car No. 04_, Denver & Rio Crande
Western Railroad, at Si[...]ay 1976
C-16H Cook & Diner Car No. 04280, Denver & Rio Crande Western
Railroad, at Si[...]May 1976
C-17H Office Car No. 0291, Denver & Rio Crande Western
Railroad, at Si[...]May 1976
C-18H Condola [No. 88?], Denver & Rio Crande Western Rail­
The Museum of Western Art opened in the building in December, 1983,
after a complete r[...]

G- ll Rosenzweig House, Denver. This residential structure
at 1129 East 17th Avenue (at Park Avenue) in
Denver was constructed during the early 1880s[...]May 1976
G- 21 Park Avenue Apartments, Denver. This apartment building
faced north on Park Avenue at 17th A[...]er. I don't recall which street this
Denver two-story building stood on, but I must
have taken this[...]with separate interests in the same building)
to make their portions dissimilar.[...]May 1976
G- 4I Evans School, Denver [1904]. This structure was built
in[...]hn Evans, whose
home was nearby. The building later became a junior
high school. I[...]is the Acoma Street (east) face of the building.
The school had been closed in 1973[...]gest-neglected pieces
of property in Denver. May 1976
G- 51[...]11th Avenue side of the Evans
School building, showing secured doors and
[Museum of Western Art], Denver [1880]. This fine
old Denver structure, at 1727 Tremont Place, was[...]in 1974, and although most felt the
building was totally empty at the time of this[...]ou was found beaten to
death in the building a year later. May 1976
[...][ ] and Metropole Hotel [1890],
Denver [Razed]. This entire complex, on
Broadway between 17th and 18th Avenues in Denver,
was known as the Cosmopolitan Hote[...]are better-exposed.)
G- 81 Trailways Bus Depot, Denver [Razed]. This was the bus
station for Continental Trailways in Denver,
located on Broadway, at the third[...]91 Brown Palace Hotel [The H.C. Brown Hotel], Denver
[1892]. This is thought to be the f[...]ter­
section, showing the original building in the
foreground and the modern an[...]76
G-IOI Doorway Detail, Perrenoud Apartments, Denver. This is
the front doorway of the P[...]located at 836 East Seventeenth Avenue, Denver,
featuring a strong arch, pe[...]
[...]rd on
Greene Street between the Cole Building and the
Lode Theater Building (Lot 15, Block 12). The
earlier vers[...]G-17I Burley Block at Rico [1891] . This stone building was
erected by the J.W. Burle[...]
[...]e stairway on the near side of
the building, but the doorway had been locked
f[...]the other burn victim that night. The building
was owned by Jack Mertens a[...]
[...]Standard and the Posey & Wingate
Building, with a large pile of dirt at the corner[...]Aug 19 1976
G- 2K Stranger-Coleman Building at La Veta [1904] . This old
store building of two stories— strikingly similar
in construction to the Odd Fellows Hall building
above— bears the sign[...]
[...]ses, this old frame depot of the
Denver & Rio Grande still stood alongside the[...]ound School Offices at
This fine building was apparently the headquarters t>d\iV=R T*[...]it was located in. This
might be Denver, but the first time I saw this
i[...]is was the
impressive courthouse building in Montrose, as seen
from its north side. The courts moved out of this
building in 1998. Its impressive but killer stair­[...]
[...]4K Yellow Flowers, Ridgway. A shadowy old frame building
forms a dark backdrop for this selec[...]as the sagging
remnant of the stable building at the Caledonia
Mill in Minnie Gulc[...]lassic
old boarding house and office building, with
interlocking log corne[...]
[...]t front
porch of the structure. This building has been
stabilized by work during t[...]is was the tarpaper
and cinder block building at Animas Forks— the
last s[...]
[...]t in Deer Park without any type of
building permit or notice to authorities, and was[...]
looking back toward the office building in the
[...]along the creek, but without any addressing of permits
or contact with water author[...]


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