Born-Digital or AnalogAnalogTranscriptU. S. united states army Union soldiers plan club, Denver. R.M News.Mar.18,1867 p.4 c.2 Notice to discharged soldiers. R.14 News.Mar.19,18'67 p.2 c.3 Debating club, Ft. Sedgwick, Colorado. R.M.News.Mar.20,1867 p.3 c.1 Amount per annum paid to officers. R.M.News.Apr.23,1867 p.4 c.2 Effects of decision on bounty case. R.M.News.May 2,1867 p.1 c.4CollectionWestern History Subject IndexRelated MaterialWestern History Subject Index AbbreviationsType of MaterialIndex CardLanguageeng
U. S. united states army, [613758]. Denver Public Library Digital Collections, accessed 26/01/2025,