Born-Digital or AnalogAnalogTranscriptTourists. colorado . Tourist -find-rooms scarce; busiest season in six -years 1952 Hits a.aew-record. Post-Ag 15, 152 p.1 Idaho .Springs -3066. a`8':top--9PGt.,in delmado for tourists. Post Ag -2b_ 152 p.23 Million tourist cars- help to :.clog :Colorado highways this suaeter. News Au28 .., 52 p.6 450,000 tourists expected to visit state in fall. News S 7 152 p.21 Record-breaking 61,894 tourists visit Hospitality center in August.. News S 14 152 p.11 6 million visit Denver in 1952 to set record. News Ja 1 153 p.8.CollectionWestern History Subject IndexRelated MaterialWestern History Subject Index AbbreviationsType of MaterialIndex CardLanguageeng