Born-Digital or AnalogAnalogTranscriptAstronomy Denver Astronomical Society encourages local interest. Post My 2, 1978 p.27 Webster Cash, a Colorado University astronomer discovers super heated gas bubble in space. Post Ja 17, 1980 p.3 RMN Ja 17, 1980 p.4 Feature on Ball Corp.'s work on spectrograph HRS RMN N 26, 1982 p.8 Review of observatories, laser shows in the area. RMN Weekend Ja 13, 1984 p.4W Feature on VLA telescope on the Plains of San Augustine New Mexico. New Mexico Magazine v.62 #10 0 1984 p.67-7ICollectionWestern History Subject IndexRelated MaterialWestern History Subject Index AbbreviationsType of MaterialIndex CardLanguageeng