Born-Digital or AnalogAnalogTranscriptLehow, 0 E Mentioned, Colorado. R. M. News. Jan.B, 1867 p.3c.2. Of Platte Canon Colo. hotel guest, Denver. R. M. News. Jan, 19, 1867 p.3c.2. R. M. News. May 24, 1867 p.3c.2. R. M. News. July 17, 1867 p.3c.2. Platte 0anon R. M. News. July 23, 1867 p.3c.2. On committee . Colo. industrial association Denver. R. M. News. Apr. 16, 1882 p.3c.3.CollectionWestern History Subject IndexRelated MaterialWestern History Subject Index AbbreviationsType of MaterialIndex CardLanguageeng