Born-Digital or AnalogAnalogTranscriptMormons and Mormonism Persecution of Almarin & wife doubted, Denver. R.M.News.Apr.4,1867 p.1 c.3 Anti-Mormon bill. R.M.News.Mar.30,1870 p.1 c.2 Policy regarding Cullom bill. R.M.News.Apr.16,1870 p.1 c.2 Delegation urges congress not to make polygamy punishable. R.M.News.May 23,1870 p.1 c.4 Development in western states. _ R.M.News.Apr.30,1873 p.4 c.2 News asked to petition protection gentiles utah 1866CollectionWestern History Subject IndexRelated MaterialWestern History Subject Index AbbreviationsType of MaterialIndex CardLanguageeng