Born-Digital or AnalogAnalogTranscriptHarris, Charles J Professor; mentioned, Colorado Springs, Colorado. R.M.News.Jan.8,1882. p.2 c.4 Mentioned. Colo. Springs. Colo. h, M. .News. Jan. 28, 1882 P.4c.3. Representative from. Arapahoe county, 1888. Dill. Political Campaigns. x.134 Mentioned, Colorado Springs, Colorado. R.M.News.Jan.8,1882. p.2 c.2 President of Athletic club, Denver. R.M.News.Apr.9,1881. p.2 c.2 Mentioned, Colorado Springs, Colorado. R.M.News.Jan.29,1882. p.2 c.3CollectionWestern History Subject IndexRelated MaterialWestern History Subject Index AbbreviationsType of MaterialIndex CardLanguageeng