Born-Digital or AnalogAnalogTranscriptHANDICAPPED. COLORADO Adams Industries, Adams county-operated service trains handicapped to earn and manage their own money. rocky mountain business journal RMBJ Ag 1, 1983 p.14 Coalition assails Gov. Lamm's remarks opposing bus lifts as "callous." RMN 0 4, 1983 p.9 Gov. Lamm defends views on handicapped. RMN 0 7, 1983 p.18 Blast Gov. Lamm as insensitive to their transportation and health needs. RMN 0 8, 1983 p.9 "Governor's Travesty Cup" race satirizes Gov. Lamm over comments that insulted disabled. RMN 0 15, 1983 p.8CollectionWestern History Subject IndexRelated MaterialWestern History Subject Index AbbreviationsType of MaterialIndex CardLanguageeng