Born-Digital or AnalogAnalogTranscriptHANDICAPPED Profile of Tim Baley, mentally handicapped, who plays piano. flj^, * , Judge's ruling on charges against Protestors encourages wheelchair-bound, RNW S 5 , 1981 p,4 School chi6f says distinction must be made between "education" of handi capped, and "care and treatment." RMN Jy 22, 1982 p.74 TDPS=Employment Agency places handicapped. DBW Ag 9 1982 , p.2 Jerry Kittle invents items for handicapped. RMN Ag 12, 1982 p.18S Style Sec. 0 1Wu14 .1C 14, iYut p.24CollectionWestern History Subject IndexRelated MaterialWestern History Subject Index AbbreviationsType of MaterialIndex CardLanguageeng