Call NumberTMD-584Alternate Title10th Mountain Division 86th Regiment Headquarters 1st BattalionDate1944 JuneSummaryGroup portrait (standing or sitting) of the 10th (Tenth) Mountain Division, 86th Regiment Headquarters Company 1st (First) Battalion in uniform at Camp Hale (Eagle County), Colorado. Men numbered from left to right are: TOP ROW 1) DeHaan, 2) Bouderous, Spiro, 3) Yeomans, James, 4) Wadleigh, 5) Ammon, 6) Shawhan, William, 7) Eastman, 8) Hallett, 9) unidentified, 10) unidentified. FRONT ROW 1) Lt. Ware, 2) Lt. Sweeny, 3) Lt. McClure, 4) Capt. Krumm, 5) Maj. Green, 6) Maj. Murphy ?, 7) Lt. Schiemer ?, 8) Lt. Boddington, 9) Lt. McGowan. Names of soldiers in the front row are written on the photograph.Physical Description1 photographic print |17 x 25 cm (7 x 10 in.)SubjectUnited States. Army. Mountain Division, 10thUnited States. Army. Mountain Infantry Regiment, 86th. Headquarters, 1st BattalionWorld War, 1939-1945--Regimental histories--United StatesCamp Hale (Colo.)Military personnelGeographic AreaCamp Hale (Colo.)Related MaterialImage File: ZZR700200584Type of MaterialGroup PortraitsPhotographic printsPortrait photographsDigital Version Created FromRobert R. Krumm 8/1998.NotesCondition: emulsion cracked and scratched. List attached to photograph identifies most soldiers in the photograph. Title supplied by cataloger. R7002005844