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Denver Building Permits, 1906-1914: ReadMe File


[...].DOC The Denver Building Permits File 1906 to 1914 is a computerized study of[...]available Denver Building Permit records from that time span. It was suppor[...]in part, by a grant from the Denver Public Library. This grant provided money to
The Denver Building Permits File 1906-1914 pay for bas[...]Newspaper records indicate that the City of Denver had building records as early
entitled The Denver Building Permits File. Previous volumes of this set include: as 1879. These building permits are mentioned in various newspaper articles of
 Volume I: The Denver Building Permits file, 1889-1905: Copied the time. Permits have been issued continuously since that time. Th[...]available official copies of the Building Permits log books are for those issued
 Volume II: The Denver Building Permits File, 1889-1905: Edited in 1889. The original building permit log books are in the Western History[...]collection of the Denver Public Library, but they are in bad shape and not
 Volume III: The Denver Building Permits File, 1889-1905: Indexed accessible t[...]ere has been a previous attempt at indexing these permits by hand, and this
 Volume IV: The Denver Building Permits File, 1889-1905: First index is al[...]t activity between 1889 and the
 Volume V: Building Announcements in Periodicals Before 1908[...]ons 2000) where the permits have been lost. The file takes up again after that. The first
 Volume VI: Building Announcements in Periodicals Before 1908[...]nds to the first reel of microfilm and covers the Building Permits
Indexed by Year, Month, Day, Publication,[...]from the paper records themselves. Denver newspapers summarized building
The Editor calls the readers attention to the Denver Directories that have been permits issued each year as well. Volumes V and VI cover[...]ies, but not every mention in the newspapers of a building project. These
 The 1893 Denver Directory Volume I Alphabetical Listing by Name,[...]mes also cover some trade jounals which discussed building activity. While
Volume II: Listing by Stre[...]spapers is far more sketchy, and
 The 1887 Denver Directory: Volume I: The Denver Directory Indexed also often describe[...]files will provide
by Name, Volume II:The Denver Directory Indexed by Address; Volume add[...]overed by the
III: Statistical Abstract of Denver 1887 (Canzona Publications 2002) official Building Permit records. These volumes index the second ro[...]microfilm covering permits issued between 1906 and 1914. Then, even more so[...]ere many projects that were done without a formal Building

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[...]hion. This
One would have to have worked with the Building Permits file to appreciate the means that the sor[...]tude and the complexity of the current study. The Permits File never was some unusual results. As[...]icult to interpret. There
are many abbreviations. Permits numbers are duplicated at times. Dates are[...]made a free form, hand-written entry Building Permits file, Volume II which is an edited copy of the Building
which didn’t conform to any of the boxes in the table. Since this table was not Permits, and Volume III which consists of the various ind[...]e way it appears in the written VolumeVII, The Denver Building Permits File 1906-1914, Copied:
document. Societal values[...]d profession, or even a version of the Permits File and entered it into a data base. The Data En[...]pervised by Susan McCullough, horn player for the Denver Brass
architect, and building superintendent was not entirely clear. For this r[...]member of the music faculty of the University of Denver. We are all
was not very important for the city c[...]project. While there were some
duly noted in the Building Permit when it was issued. Street names and[...]ation into the data
but many subdivision names in Denver bear a close resemblance to others, and[...]Obvious errors in the Permits File were copied as exactly as we could. After[...]by year, month, day, and permit number. Since the permits were not always in
arranged the data according to[...]different places than upper case letters, and permits listed in this book are in somewhat of a d[...]
[...]he start that people studying specific aspects of Denver’s
architectural history may bring with them a b[...]e are an immense number of errors in the original permits file.
While we have made a diligent attemp[...]


Denver Building Permits File
The Denver Building Permits File ... is a computerized study of available Denver building permit records from that time span. ... th[...]
Buildings permits--Colorado--Denver
Denver (Colo.)
Denver Public Library Special Collections, [call number]
Denver Building History