Call NumberX-21997Date1903SummaryPortrait of Rose Mary Echo Silver Dollar Tabor, daughter of Baby Doe and Horace Tabor, in a wide brimmed straw hat.Physical Description1 copy photonegative ; 10 x 13 cm (4 x 5 in.); 1 photoprint ; 12 x 8 cm (4 1/2 x 3 1/2 in.)Born-Digital or AnalogAnalogSubjectWomen--ColoradoTabor, Silver Dollar, 1889-1925.CollectionPhotographs - Western HistoryRelated MaterialImage File: ZZR710021997Type of MaterialFilm negativesPhotographic printsPortraitsDigital Version Created FromCaroline Bancroft, Denver, Colo.NotesFormerly F10108. Title penciled on back of photoprint, with: "was her full name. 'Rosemary' given by her mother after the saint and 'Echo' given by her mother because she loved the echoes in the mts around Leadville. 'Silver Dollar' given by her father because it was the Silver ore that made him his millions. 'This picture was given to me in Leadville, Colo. 1903 by Silver. I was her dearest friend-'?! Eunice Crispell West 1441 Penn. #19 Ta-6648."; R7100219977
Rose Mary Echo Silver Dollar Tabor (1903). Denver Public Library Digital Collections, accessed 13/02/2025,