Call NumberX-19589Date1856-1865SummaryStudio portrait of Mary, Josephine and Caspar Collins (later an Army Lieutenant for whom Casper, Wyoming is named.) The the girls wear their hair parted in the center and pulled loosely back, and pinafores or tunics over their dresses. The younger girl sits on a stool while the older children stand. Caspar Collins wears a shirt with a short, rounded collar, under a fitted coat with a front button enclosure.Physical Description1 photoprint : ambrotype ; visible oval image 8 x 6 cm (3 x 2 1/2 in.) in case 10 x 8 cm (4 x 3 1/2 in.)Born-Digital or AnalogAnalogSubjectCollins, Caspar Wever, 1844-1865--FamilyFamilies--1850-1870.CollectionPhotographs - Western HistoryRelated MaterialImage File: ZZR710019589Type of MaterialAmbrotypesPhotograph casesPortrait photographsOriginal Material Found in CollectionCase photographsNotesAmbrotype is mounted in latched leather-covered wood case with decorative metal frame and velvet facing. Ambrotype is retouched. Case hinges are broken. Stamped in metal frame: "Spooners Bro's. cuttings patent."; Title hand-written on storage envelope. R7100195898
Caspar Collins family (1856-1865). Denver Public Library Digital Collections, accessed 09/02/2025,