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- Art967
- Creator...
- Davis, Herndon, 1901-1962 131
- Kirkland, Vance, 1904-1981. 27
- Prowse, Robert, Jr., approximately 1858-1934 25
- Sherman, James Russell, 1907-1989 22
- Adams, Charles Partridge, 1858-1942 18
- Barta, Alvin, 1902-1978 18
- Wolle, Muriel Sibell, 1898-1977 16
- Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909 13
- Kuhler, Otto, 1894-1977 12
- Phipps, William H., 1841- 10
- Read, Henry, 1851-1935 10
- Skene, Harold Vincent, 1883- 10
- Spalding, Elisabeth, 1868?-1954 10
- Baume, Henry B. 9
- Red Robin, 1913- 9
- Haynes, Elsie Haddon, 1881-1963. 7
- Epp, Martha, 1907-1995 6
- Hitchins, Joseph, 1838-1893 6
- Vavra, Frank Joseph, 1892-1967. 6
- Woods, Ranka S. 6
- Boot, W. J., artist. 5
- Burton-Mund, Elsie Noble. 5
- Cody, Bruce, 1941- 5
- Collins, Caspar Wever, 1844-1865 5
- Craig, Charles, 1846-1931. 5
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 5
- Kaplinski, Buffalo, 1943- 5
- Keleher, Siobhan, 1964- 5
- Reedy, Leonard Howard, 1899-1956 5
- Rosen, Beverly, 1924-2006 5
- Western Litho. Co., Denver., lithographer. 5
- Bagley, James M., 1837-1910. 4
- Brogan, Richard, M. 4
- Cherry, Emma Richardson, 1859-1954. 4
- Collins, Caspar Wever, 1844-1865. 4
- Eggenhofer, Nicholas, 1897-1985. 4
- Sandy, Percy Tsisete, 1918-1974. 4
- Thompson, John Edward, 1882-1945 4
- Traher, Henry William, 1908-1984. 4
- Bancroft, Albert S. (Albert Stokes), 1890-1972. 3
- Bjorklund, Lorence F. 3
- Bromwell, Henrietta E. (Henrietta Elizabeth) 3
- Chain, Helen Henderson, 1849-1892 3
- Diddel, Marguerite M., 1896-1970. 3
- Disney, James. 3
- Gilboy, Margaretta, 1943- 3
- Green, William Samuel, 1901- 3
- Hill, Edward, 1843-1923. 3
- Hyatt, F., artist. 3
- Jacob, Ned. 3
- Kontny, Pawel, 1923-2002. 3
- O'Hagan, Desmond, 1959- 3
- Spivak, Hayem David, 1893-1932 3
- Tittsworth, Ben D. 3
- True, Allen Tupper, 1881-1955 3
- Weber, Francis, artist. 3
- Wicker, C. H., artist. 3
- Young, Harvey Otis, 1840-1901. 3
- Adams, Charles Partridge, -1942 2
- Auchiah, James, 1906-1974. 2
- Baker, Sally, artist. 2
- Bancroft, Caroline. 2
- Bancroft, William H., 1860-1932. 2
- Beeson, Clint. 2
- Berg, E., artist. 2
- Bierstadt, Albert, 1830-1902 2
- Britton, Edgar, 1901-1982. 2
- Bronson, Clark Everice, 1939- 2
- Brown, William, artist. 2
- Bumiller, Trine, 1959- 2
- Burr, George Elbert, 1859-1939 2
- Carpenter, Dudley, 1870-1955. 2
- Comparet, Alexis, 1856-1906 2
- Denver post. 2
- Drewelowe, Eve, 1899-1988. 2
- Durham, Clarence, 1904-1994. 2
- Espinoza, Carlota 2
- Fogg, Howard. 2
- Franklin, George Cory, 1872- 2
- Gilbert, W., artist. 2
- Graham, Charles S., 1852-1911 2
- Gregg, Paul, 1876-1949 2
- Gross, Joseph (Artist) 2
- Haynes, Elsei Haddon, 1881-1963. 2
- Hodges, Frederick, 1859-1926 2
- Hornby, Alice Gibson, 1860-1960 2
- Howland, John Dare, 1843-1914. 2
- Kassler, Charles Moffat, 1897-1979. 2
- Kerfoot, Margaret 2
- Landeau, artist. 2
- Learned, Harry A., 1844-1893. 2
- Loughridge, Leon 2
- Loughridge, Leon. 2
- Lytle, Ralph Arthur, 1897-1979. 2
- Mechau, Frank, 1904-1946. 2
- Meux, Gwendolyn Dufill, 1893-1973. 2
- Miller, Alfred Jacob, 1810-1874. 2
- Olson, Albert Byron, 1885-1940. 2
- Pena, Encarnacion. 2
- Pena, Tonita Vigil, 1895-1949. 2
- Rollin, Howard. 2
- Ronnebeck, Louise Emerson, 1901-1980 2
- Sanderson, William, 1905-1990 2
- Sanderson, William, 1905-1990. 2
- Silverman, Mel Frank, 1931-1966. 2
- Steele, Albert Wilbur, 1862-1925 2
- Stobie, Charles Stewart, 1845-1931. 2
- Swenson, Lou, 1930- 2
- Tallant, Richard H., 1853-1934. 2
- Tavernier, Jules, 1844-1889. 2
- Thomas, Myra Laura, 1882-1963. 2
- Traher, William Henry, 1908-1984. 2
- Weller, Hugh, 1898-1982 2
- Wells, Virgil Lee. 2
- Whitney, Peggy 2
- Wilkins, James P. 2
- Aarak, Thomas, 1895-1974. 1
- Amundson, Bill, 1953- 1
- Anderson, Darrell 1
- Arneill, Anne, 1902-1961. 1
- Asmus, Ingrid. 1
- Atkinson, (Artist) 1
- B. H. S. 1
- Babcock, Dean, 1888-1969. 1
- Baeros, Joe. 1
- Baker, H. Ray, 1911- 1
- Bancroft, William H, 1860-1932 1
- Barbour, Karen. 1
- Battles, Asa, 1923- 1
- Batura, Stephen 1
- Bayer, Herbert, 1900-1985. 1
- Bays, Deborah, 1951- 1
- Bear, Donald, 1905-1952 1
- Beck, Carl A., 1882-1971. 1
- Benedict, Jules Jacques Benois, 1879-1948. 1
- Berry, B., artist. 1
- Bishop, J. (Artist) 1
- Block, Augusta H. 1
- Bond, Felicia. 1
- Boyer, Chris. 1
- Brandt, Heidi, 1
- Bringle, Paul. 1
- Brown Palace Hotel (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Brownlie, Alexander, d. 1905. 1
- Buchan, Marion, 1875-1971 1
- Burr, George Elbert, 1859-1939. 1
- Caples, Robert Cole. 1
- Carle, Eric. 1
- Carlos, Lupe. 1
- Carmody, Diana M., 1937- 1
- Caster, Mitch, artist. 1
- Catalanotto, Peter. 1
- Cetto, M. 1
- Chavez, Edward A., 1917-1995. 1
- Chavez, Lorenzo. 1
- Chee, Robert, 1938-1972. 1
- Chisman, Dale, 1943-2008. 1
- Ciri. 1
- Coen, Don, 1935- 1
- Collier & Cleaveland Lith. Co. 1
- Colvin, William J. 1
- Comparet, Alexis, 1856-1906. 1
- Cook, Howard Norton, 1901-1980. 1
- Cooke, Louis E., 1850-1923. 1
- Cooper, Ben, artist. 1
- Corya, Florence Elizabeth. 1
- Courier Lithographic Co. (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1
- Craig, Alice, d. 1961. 1
- Craig, Charles, 1846-1931 1
- Crespin, Robert W. (Robert Wayne), 1941-2013 1
- Dailey, Anne Emily, 1872-1935. 1
- Daly, Norma, 1911- 1
- Dawson, Doug, artist. 1
- Day, Burnis, 1940- 1
- Day, C. M. (Cassius Marion), 1864-1940. 1
- Day, Louise, artist. 1
- De la Cruz, Jerry, 1948- 1
- De la Cruz, Jerry. 1
- DePaola, Tomie, 1934- 1
- Deming, Edwin Willard,1860-1942. 1
- Derjue, Rita. 1
- Detre, Roland, 1903-2001 1
- Dickerman, Ezra, 1867-1969. 1
- Dickson, Mark, artist. 1
- Dodd, Ed, 1902-1991 1
- Donohue, Dorothy. 1
- Downs, Anne Arneill, 1902-1961. 1
- Drewelowe, Eve, 1899-1988 1
- Dunn, G. Lyndle. 1
- Dunning, Harold Marion, 1891-1973 1
- Durham, Clarence A., 1904-1994 1
- Edbrooke, Harry W. J., 1873-1946. 1
- Eisele, Charles Christian, 1854-1919. 1
- Elkins, Henry Arthur, 1847-1884. 1
- Emberley, Ed. 1
- Emberley, Rebecca. 1
- Engle, Morey, 1923- 1
- Erion, E. Travis Conrad, 1971- 1
- Espinoza, Carlota. 1
- Espinoza, Ray D., 1936- 1
- Eude, Luis. 1
- Evans, Allen L. 1
- Evans, Aneurin 1
- Evans, Aneurin. 1
- Evans, Edna P., 1885-1971 1
- Fairchild, Elizabeth Nelson, 1910- 1
- Farnsworth, John, 1941- 1
- Felix, Sushe. 1
- Felix, Tracy. 1
- Finch, Frank J., 1879-1950. 1
- Fitzsimmons, Arthur J., 1909-1992. 1
- Fontaine, C. L. 1
- Foster-Smith, K. 1
- Fowler, Irene D., 1884-1967 1
- Freeman, Gertrude Savageau, 1892-1991 1
- Frenzeny, Paul. 1
- Frésquez, Carlos 1956- 1
- Friedman, Edwin H., 1948-2011. 1
- Friend, Washington F., 1820-1886. 1
- Froman, Ramon Mitchell, 1908-1980. 1
- Fuller, Henry D., 1845-1877 1
- Gates, Frank Adams, (Pancho), 1906- 1
- George, Margaret, 1883-1982 1
- Gibson, Evelyn, 1911- 1
- Gilmore, Charles, 1922-2008. 1
- Gogolin, Jacob. 1
- Gomez, Marco A., 1910-1972. 1
- Goode, Diane. 1
- Goodnight, Veryl 1
- Graham, Richard L., artist. 1
- Gramberti, watercolor artist. 1
- Grant, Mary Belle. 1
- Gray, Mary Chilton, 1888-1969 1
- Griffith, Donald Irving, 1905-2005. 1
- Griffith, L. J., artist. 1
- Guerin, John, 1920-2006. 1
- Gumpper, Jean 1
- Hagerman, Helen B., 1889-1952. 1
- Hanna, H. W. 1
- Hansen, Steve,artist. 1
- Harmon, Chas. H. (Charles Henry), 1859-1936. 1
- Harris, Lawrence, 1937- 1
- Hausmann, Marianne Pisko. 1
- Hayden, Harriet Winslow, 1840-1926 1
- Haynes, Elsie Haddon, 1881-1963 1
- Hayward, Philip H. 1
- Hedges, Dean. 1
- Hill, Thomas, 1925- 1
- Hillhouse, Jerry. 1
- Hitchcock, Luella. 1
- Holden, Sara G. (Sara Gray), 1850-1922 1
- Holgate, J. Eugene, 1938- 1
- Hopkins, Ida 1
- Hornbein, Victor, 1913-1995. 1
- Horsky, Helen, 1900-1994 1
- Hoyt, Burnham, 1887-1960. 1
- Huet, Frederick, 1838-1916 1
- Huet, Frederick, 1838-1916. 1
- Hull, Howard Ware. 1
- Hurst, Carol, artist. 1
- I, Jane Doe. 1
- Ilyin, Gleb Alexander, 1889-1968 1
- Ilyin, Gleb Alexander, 1889-1968. 1
- Isadora, Rachel. 1
- Iserman, Helen A. 1
- James, Will, 1892-1942. 1
- Jerome, Irene E. (Irene Elizabeth), 1858- 1
- Johnson, Charles Arthur, Jr. 1
- Johnson, Constance, 1880-1995 1
- Johnson, Samuel Frost, 1835- 1
- Jones, Ann E., 1905-1991 1
- Keck, Charles, 1875-1951 1
- Keith, Ken. 1
- Kelley, Ramon, 1939- 1
- Kelley, Walter P. 1
- Kellogg, Steven. 1
- Kempton, Ron, 1970- 1
- Kendrick, Marion 1
- Kern, Edward Meyer, 1823-1863. 1
- Kerswill, Roy. 1
- Knight, Charles Robert, 1874-1953. 1
- Knotny, Mario Viktor, 1957- 1
- Koenig, Paul Theodore, 1872- 1
- Kontny, Pawel, 1923-2002 1
- Koutnik, Carol D., 1942- 1
- Krasnowski, Vincent A. 1
- L. E. M., artist. 1
- L. R., artist. 1
- Lachman, Alan. 1
- Lainson, painter. 1
- Levering, Robert, 1919- 1
- Lewis, Wyndham, 1882-1957. 1
- Lillywhite, Raphael, 1891-1958. 1
- Lindsey, Ben B. (Ben Barr), 1869-1943 1
- Lindsey, Ben B. (Ben Barr), 1869-1943. 1
- Lindsey, Gordon D., 1936-2005 1
- Lotave, Carl G., 1872-1924. 1
- Lowe 1
- Lowell, Orson. 1
- MacFarlane, Marie Louise, 1877-1965 1
- MacMonnies, Frederick William, 1863-1937. 1
- Magafan, Ethel, 1915 or 1916-1993 1
- Magafan, Jenne, 1916-1952, 1
- Marquez, Andy. 1
- Marshall, Duard, 1914-2010 1
- Martinez, Julian, artist. 1
- Mattson, Paul C., (artist) 1
- Mayer, Frank H., 1850-1954. 1
- McCully, Emily Arnold. 1
- McFarland, Jackie 1
- McMechen, Edgar Carlisle, 1884-1953 1
- Mechau, Frank, 1904-1946 1
- Meeker, Joseph Rusling. 1
- Mellor-Gill, Margaret W., 1901- 1
- Menchaca, Juan, 1910- 1
- Menchaca, Juan,1910- 1
- Messick, Clara Reed, 1893-1972 1
- Messick, Turner, 1878-1952 1
- Milbanke, Mark Richard, 1857?-1927. 1
- Mitchell, Arthur Roy 1
- Moeller, Selma M. D., 1880- 1
- Monti, Victoria J., 1848-1920 1
- Moran, Thomas, 1837-1926. 1
- Morrison, Mary, 1946- 1
- Morse, Charles Walker, 1823-1887 1
- Mosley, Virginia T. 1
- Moss, G. 1
- Mullen, artist. 1
- Murphy, Cath 1
- Nelson, M. J., Mrs. 1
- Newton, Harry J. 1
- O'Bergh, Carl. 1
- Oliphant, Pat. 1
- Olson, Mikael, 1973- 1
- Orban, Emily, 1901-1988 1
- Ortega, Tony, 1958- 1
- Ortega, Tony. 1
- Osa, Doug, 1952- 1
- Peach, Charles Stanley, 1858 - 1934. 1
- Perkins, Frank S., artist. 1
- Perrin, J., artist. 1
- Peterson, Stephanie. 1
- Pickrell-Takata, Linda, 1
- Pierce, Judith, 1934-1995. 1
- Pogzeba, Wolfgang, 1936- 1
- Pohr, Jack. 1
- Polish National Alliance of the United States of North America 1
- Polseno, Jo. 1
- Poole, Stanley, artist. 1
- Potter, A. L., (Amelia L.) 1
- Poulsen, M. C. (Michael Charles), 1953- 1
- Quackenbush, Paschal, 1908-1874 1
- Quarles, Janet C., 1892-1982 1
- Raschka, Christopher. 1
- Rasmussen, Della, artist. 1
- Recchia, Louis. 1
- Red Bird, Robert. 1
- Redwood, Allen Christian, 1844-1922. 1
- Reedy, Leonard Howard, 1899-1956. 1
- Reid, Robert, 1862-1929. 1
- Reilly, Pat, American artist. 1
- Reiss, Winold, 1886-1953. 1
- Remington, Barbara 1
- Remkiewicz, Frank. 1
- Richards, Nina 1
- Ricker, J. A. 1
- Rivera, Lloyd D., 1950- 1
- Roberts, Jack, 1920-2000 1
- Roberts, K. L. 1
- Robertson, Marian. 1
- Robinson, Boardman, 1876-1952. 1
- Robinson, Mary Cane. 1
- Rockwell, Anne F. 1
- Rodgers, Marjorie, 1927-2015. 1
- Ronnebeck, Arnold H., 1885-1947. 1
- Ronnebeck, Arnold, 1885-1947. 1
- Ronnebeck, Louise Emerson, 1901-1980. 1
- Root, Barry. 1
- Rose & Hopkins. 1
- Ross, Annie Lee 1
- Russell, C., artist. 1
- Russell, Charles M. (Charles Marion), 1864-1926. 1
- Salcedo, Moises 1
- Samuels, Peggy. 1
- Sauerwein, Frank Paul, 1871-1910. 1
- Schell, Lewis, artist. 1
- Schermerhorn, Sophie E., -1914. 1
- Seibold, J. Otto. 1
- Senter, Laurena Hodges, 1895-1986 1
- Shaw, Karen J., 1942- 1
- Shermann, W. W. 1
- Shindler, A. Zeno (Antonio Zeno), 1823-1899 1
- Shindler, A. Zeno (Antonio Zeno), 1823-1899. 1
- Shom, Jean. 1
- Simpson, Mike, 1934- 1
- Skolle, John, 1903-1988. 1
- Smith, Paul K., 1893-1977. 1
- Sneed, Brad. 1
- Speer, John Aubrey, 1895-1955. 1
- Spencer, W. Clyde. 1
- Stanley, John Mix, 1814-1872 1
- Stanley, John Mix, 1814-1872. 1
- Sterner and Williamson Assoc. Architects 1
- Stevens, Janet. 1
- Stinchfield, Estelle, b. 1878. 1
- Stirling, David, 1887-1971 1
- Stobie, Charles Stewart, 1845-1931 1
- Streight, H. A. 1
- Sturdy, Ardis. 1
- Swingle, Lori Rhea, 1955- 1
- T. L. S. M., artist 1
- Taggart, Carl R. (Carl Ryburn), 1903-1967 1
- Tahe 1
- Tallant, Richard H., 1853-1934 1
- Taylor, Henry, Jr. 1
- Tilley, Lew, 1921-2005 1
- Toland, Sandy, 1959- 1
- Toscano, Dee, 1932- 1
- Traher, Henry William, 1908-1984 1
- Troy, J., artist. 1
- Truan, Jolan B., d. 1978 1
- True, Lyle, artist. 1
- Turner, Ila McAfee, 1897- 1
- Turre, Wanda, 1931- 1
- Tuvahoema, Kyrate. 1
- Tynon, Adeline. 1
- Valastro, Ken, 1954-2014 1
- Varian, Lester E., 1881-1967. 1
- Varney, Chase, 1890-1980 1
- Versa, Verna Jean, 1926-2005. 1
- Von Berg, Charles L., 1835-1918. 1
- W. S., artist. 1
- Wagner, Morgan, 1917-1950 1
- Walberg, Floy E., 1924- 1
- Walters, F., artist. 1
- Wands, Alfred, 1904-1998. 1
- Weber, Gretchen. 1
- Weckbach, Kevin, 1971- 1
- Weller, Hugh Edward, 1898-1982 1
- Westermeier, Clifford P. (Clifford Peter), 1910- 1
- Wilson, Mary Liz 1
- Winter, Jeanette. 1
- Wolff, Ashley. 1
- Wolfinbarger, Harold A. 1
- Wolfinbarger, Harold A., 1908-1986. 1
- Wood, Marjorie 1
- Woodbury, Edith, 1869-1965 1
- Woodson, Marie L., 1875- 1
- Wray, Henry Russell. 1
- Wright, Harriet Freeman, 1852-1926 1
- Zelinsky, Paul O. 1
Show More - Geographic Area...
- Denver (Colo.) 78
- West (U.S.) 27
- Colorado 21
- Central City (Colo.) 8
- Estes Park (Colo.) 5
- United States 5
- Boulder (Colo.) 3
- Jefferson County (Colo.) 3
- Pueblo (Colo.) 3
- Ward (Colo.) 3
- Canada 2
- Clear Creek County (Colo.) 2
- Cripple Creek (Colo.) 2
- El Paso County (Colo.) 2
- Lamar (Colo.) 2
- New Mexico 2
- Paris (France) 2
- Pitkin County (Colo.) 2
- Silverton (Colo.) 2
- Aguilar (Colo.) 1
- Allenspark (Colo.) 1
- Altman (Colo.) 1
- Aspen (Colo.) 1
- Boulder County (Colo.) 1
- Breckenridge (Colo.) 1
- Castle Rock (Colo.) 1
- Cheyenne (Wyo.) 1
- Colorado Springs (Colo.) 1
- Delagua (Colo.) 1
- Denver County (Colo.) 1
- Douglas County (Colo.) 1
- Eagle County (Colo.) 1
- Fairplay (Colo.) 1
- Fort Caspar (Wyo.) 1
- Fort Laramie (Wyo. 1
- Georgetown (Colo.) 1
- Glenrock (Wyo.) 1
- Globeville (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Golden (Colo.) 1
- Granby (Colo.) 1
- Hawikuh (N.M.) 1
- Holyoke (Colo.) 1
- Kit Carson (Colo.) 1
- Laramie Peak (Wyo.) 1
- Leadville (Colo.) 1
- Littleton (Colo.) 1
- Long Beach (Calif.) 1
- Ludlow (Colo.) 1
- Lyons (Colo.) 1
- Manitou Springs (Colo.) 1
- Mesa Verde National Park (Colo.) 1
- Monument Valley (Ariz. and Utah) 1
- Mount Morrison (Colo.) 1
- Oregon 1
- Otero County (Colo.) 1
- Pine (Colo.) 1
- Potomac River 1
- Purgatoire River (Colo.) 1
- Rocky Mountain National Park (Colo.) 1
- Russell (Colo.) 1
- Silver Plume (Colo.) 1
- South Dakota 1
- Sweetwater River (Wyo.) 1
- Taos (N.M.) 1
- Teller County (Colo.) 1
- Trinidad (Colo.) 1
- Uncompahgre National Forest (Colo.) 1
- Victor (Colo.) 1
- Walpi (Ariz.) 1
- Wyoming 1
- Yosemite National Park (Calif.) 1
Show More - Type of Material...
- Art (Original) 84
- Works of art 79
- Originals 72
- Oil paintings (visual works) 61
- Watercolors (Paintings) 54
- Oil paintings 46
- Watercolors (paintings) 40
- Originals (objects) 37
- Landscapes (representations) 30
- Drawings (visual works) 22
- Gouaches (Paintings) 17
- Portraits 17
- Image 13
- Watercolor painting, American 13
- Original prints 11
- Pen and ink drawings 10
- Pencil drawings 10
- Acrylic paintings 9
- Conté crayon (TM) 9
- Pastels (visual works) 6
- Abstract (general art genre) 5
- Art 5
- Color lithographs 5
- Covers (Illustration) 5
- Image;StillImage 5
- Art; Photographic prints; Cityscapes (representations) 4
- Gouaches (paintings) 4
- Lithographs 4
- Screen prints 4
- Watercolor (paint) 4
- Acrylic paintings (visual works) 3
- Mural paintings (visual works) 3
- Oil paintings (visual works). 3
- Pen and wash drawings 3
- Sketches 3
- Still lifes 3
- Street scenes 3
- Watercolor painting 3
- Art original 2
- Art; Photographic prints; Portraits 2
- Charcoal drawings 2
- Collages (visual works) 2
- Drawings (visual works). 2
- Miniatures (paintings) 2
- Paintings (visual works) 2
- Studies (visual works) 2
- Watercolors 2
- Woodcuts (prints) 2
- Abstract (fine arts style) 1
- Animal paintings 1
- Architectural drawings 1
- Art; Cityscapes (representations); Photographic prints 1
- Art; Image 1
- Art; Photographic prints 1
- Birthday cards 1
- Bronzes (objects) 1
- Cabins (houses) 1
- Casein paint 1
- Cemeteries 1
- Charters 1
- Colored pencils 1
- Contemporary (style of art) 1
- Etchings (prints) 1
- Felt-tip pens 1
- Fraternal lodges 1
- Gouache (paint) 1
- Gouaches 1
- Idealized landscapes (visual works) 1
- Illustrations 1
- Ink resist paintings 1
- Intaglio printing processes 1
- Intaglio prints 1
- Landscape painting, American 1
- Landscape paintings 1
- Linocuts (prints) 1
- Mixed media works 1
- Monoprints (painting and printing works) 1
- Monotype (planographic process) 1
- Monotypes (planographic prints) 1
- Natural landscapes 1
- Oil paintings (Visual works) 1
- Oil paintings (visual works); 1
- One-sheet posters 1
- Originals. 1
- Panel (wood by form) 1
- Pastels (Visual works) 1
- Pen drawings 1
- Plein-air 1
- Posters 1
- Reliefs (sculptures). 1
- Renderings 1
- Sand paintings (visual works) 1
- Sandpaintings 1
- Sculpture (visual work). 1
- Self-portraits 1
- Tempera 1
- Tempera paintings 1
- Watercolor painting (technique) 1
Show More
- Creator...
- Photograph63
- Creator...
- Geographic Area...
- Type of Material...
- Art 59
- Photographic prints--Hand colored 46
- Photographic prints 16
- Color photographs 7
- Film negatives 4
- Black & white photographs 2
- Cityscapes 1
- Maps 1
- Panoramic views 1
- Photographic prints--Color 1
- Self-portraits 1
- Watercolors 1
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