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- Document77
- Creator...
- Five Points Business Association (Denver, Colo.) 19
- Caldwell, Elvin R., 1919-2004 5
- Glenarm YMCA (Denver, Colo.) 3
- Holmes, Clarence F., 1892-1978 3
- Colorado. State Board of Health. 2
- Denver (Colo.). Dept. of Safety and Excise. 2
- Denver (Colo.). Eastside Neighborhood Health Center 2
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 2
- Shorter African Methodist Episcopal Church (Denver, Colo.) 2
- Ali, Muhammad, 1942-2016 1
- American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada 1
- Atkins, James A., 1890-1968 1
- Colorado. Dept. of Revenue. 1
- Colorado. Governor's Office. 1
- Cordova, Donald E., 1938-2003 1
- Davis, Hiawatha 1
- Davis, Hiawatha, 1944-2000 1
- Denver (Colo.). 1
- Denver (Colo.). Clerk and Recorder. 1
- Five Points Community Center (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Flanigan, James C., 1915-2008 1
- Gorrell, Teryl R. 1
- Kobayashi, T. K. 1
- Leiser, Henry 1
- Metropolitan State College (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Moore, Isaac Edward, 1944-1999 1
- Moreland, Walter 1
- Noel, Rachel B., 1918-2008 1
- Odom, L. Sylvester Rev. 1
- Peterson, Sheldon 1
- Rainey, Homer P., 1896-1985 1
- Sherman, Edith M., 1919-2004 1
- Smith, Leroy, 1911-1989 1
- State of Colorado 1
- The Cosmopolitan Club of Denver 1
- Various creators 1
- Webb, Wilma J. 1
- Williams, Melvina 1
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- Correspondence 10
- Newsletters 5
- Invitations 4
- Event programs 2
- Pamphlets 2
- Photocopies 2
- Press releases 2
- Brochure 1
- Case reports 1
- Certificates 1
- Church certificates 1
- Dedications (documents) 1
- Descriptions (documents) 1
- Fliers (Ephemera) 1
- Memorandums 1
- Political cards 1
- Poster 1
- Records (Documents) 1
- Remarks 1
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- Creator...
- Document (PDF)38
- Creator...
- Shorter African Methodist Episcopal Church (Denver, Colo.) 7
- Caldwell, Elvin R., 1919-2004 4
- Glenarm YMCA (Denver, Colo.) 4
- People's Presbyterian Church (Denver, Colo.) 3
- District 8 Senior Events 2
- Smith, Leroy, 1911-1989 2
- The Rossonian 2
- A.E.A.O.N.M.S., Inc. 1
- Allen, Q.T. 1
- Cloud Poster 1
- Colorado Department of State 1
- Denver Public Library 1
- Five Points Business Association 1
- Guest, Edgar 1
- Guinn, Dorothy C. 1
- Jackson, J.H. Jr. 1
- Maxwell, Jessie Whaley, 1909-2002 1
- Mitchell, J. O. 1
- One Cow Cattle Company 1
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- Type of Material...
- Event programs 12
- Correspondence 5
- Certificates 2
- Facsimilies 2
- Flyers 2
- Invitations 2
- Newsletters 2
- Pamphlets 2
- Records (Documents) 2
- Memorial service programs 1
- Menus 1
- Photocopies 1
- Poetry 1
- Postcards 1
- Programs 1
- Programs (documents) 1
- Promotional materials 1
- Proposals 1
- Remarks 1
- Reports 1
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- Creator...
- Historical Object2
- Oral History1
- Creator...
- Photograph320
- Creator...
- McCloud, Burnis, 1908-1990 69
- Five Points Business Association (Denver, Colo.) 18
- White, William W. 5
- Caffey, Pat 2
- Hermanstorfer, Laura 2
- Holmes, Clarence F., 1892-1978 2
- Whitacre, Roger 2
- Bob's Photo Gallery 1
- Lumiere Studio 1
- Magnolia Studio 1
- Muramoto Deluxe Studio 1
- Niles, J. 1
- Perkins 1
- Raw Studio (Firm) 1
- White, William 1
- Williams, Melvina 1
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