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- Art24
- Creator...
- Kuhler, Otto, 1894-1977 7
- Davis, Herndon, 1901-1962 2
- Adams, Charles Partridge, -1942 1
- Adams, Charles Partridge, 1858-1942 1
- Crespin, Robert W. (Robert Wayne), 1941-2013 1
- Fuller, Henry D., 1845-1877 1
- Graham, Charles S., 1852-1911 1
- Haynes, Elsie Haddon, 1881-1963 1
- Helmers, Dow 1
- Hopkins, Ida 1
- Morrison, Mary, 1946- 1
- Ragland, Bob, 1938-2021 1
- Ross, Annie Lee 1
- Shaw, Karen J., 1942- 1
- Stisser, Frederick, 1843- 1
- Truan, Jolan B., d. 1978 1
- Wood, Marjorie 1
Show More - Geographic Area...
- Colorado 24
- Type of Material...
- Originals 10
- Oil paintings 8
- Works of art 6
- Watercolors (paintings) 4
- Art (Original) 2
- Collages (visual works) 2
- Landscapes (representations) 2
- Oil paintings (visual works) 2
- Watercolors (Paintings) 2
- Albums (books) 1
- Film negatives 1
- Monotypes (planographic prints) 1
- Originals (objects) 1
- Pastels (Visual works) 1
- Pencil drawings 1
- Photographic prints 1
- Portraits 1
- Tempera 1
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- Creator...
- Audio46
- Creator...
- Noel, Rachel Bassette, 1918-2008 6
- Brown, George L., 1926-2006 4
- Tebow, Henry J. 4
- Gipson, Bernard F., 1921-2015 3
- Humphreys, Ray M. (Ray Murto), 1893-1973 3
- Saunders, Glenn G., 1904-1990 3
- Yamauchi, Ruth Y., 1915-2016 3
- Frauson, Robert N., 1924-2008 2
- Heron, Robert (engineer) 2
- KOA (Radio station 2
- Knauss, Francis J., 1885-1968 2
- Owen, Reginald Bryan, 1913-2000 2
- Steele, George C., 1888-1974 2
- Underhill, Ruth, 1883-1984 2
- Delaney, Arthur C., 1921- 1
- Lindsay, Thomas Shrock, 1918-2009 1
- Maiden, Robert R., 1890-1974 1
- Maiden, Robert R., 1890-1975 1
- Williams, Murphy C., Rev., 1916-1987 1
- Williams, Murphy C., Rev., 1916-1988 1
Show More - Contributor...
- Geographic Area...
- Colorado 46
- California 3
- Japan 3
- Topaz (Utah) 3
- Arkansas 2
- Italy 2
- Nebraska 2
- Texas 1
- Born-Digital or Analog...
- Analog 43
- Creator...
- Born Digital Rocky Mountain News3
- Creator...
- Document26
- Creator...
- Adams, Alva 1850-1922 2
- Carhart, Arthur, 1892-1978 2
- Murie, Olaus, 1889-1963 2
- Packer, Alferd, 1842-1907 2
- Zahniser, Howard, 1906-1964 2
- Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984 1
- Broome, Harvey, 1902-1968 1
- Churchill, Caroline M., 1833-1926 1
- Colorado Agricultural and Industrial Association 1
- Denver Board of Trade 1
- Hale, L.J. 1
- Ickes, Harold L., 1874-1952 1
- Kemp, W.J. 1
- Lamm, Richard, 1935- 1
- Love, John A., 1916-2002 1
- Merritt, Clifton R., 1919-2008 1
- Peck, A.S. 1
Show More - Geographic Area...
- Colorado 26
- Type of Material...
- Creator...
- Document (PDF)427
- Creator...
- Colorado Women of Color 14
- Taylor, Arie P. (Arie Parks), 1927-2003 11
- Leonard, Stephen J., 1941- 9
- Culpin, Alan 8
- Noel, Rachel, 1918-2008 7
- Noel, Thomas J. (Thomas Jacob) 7
- University of Colorado at Denver. Chancellor's Minority Advisory Committee 6
- Echohawk, Dana 5
- Gulliford, Andrew 5
- Links, Inc. Denver Chapter 5
- Smith, Duane A. 5
- Albi, Charles 4
- Colorado Black Women for Political Action 4
- Colorado Commission on Higher Education 4
- Dacus, Ben 4
- Ekstrand, Peg 4
- Field, Kimberly, 1957- 4
- Kreck, Dick 4
- Lamm, Richard D. 4
- University of Colorado. Board of Regents 4
- Colorado Black Caucus 3
- Colorado Commission on Higher Education. Task Force on Minority Enrollments 3
- Foster, Mark S. 3
- Leavitt, Craig 3
- Lewis, Rosemary 3
- Ordway, Kathryn, 1980- 3
- Secrest, Clark, 1937- 3
- Simmons, Virginia McConnell, 1928- 3
- University of Colorado 3
- University of Colorado at Denver 3
- University of Colorado. Urban University Task Force 3
- Wetzel, David N. 3
- Wilson, Blenda J. 3
- Wilson, Luther 3
- AARP (Organization) 2
- Ainlay-Conley, Jacqui 2
- Alexander, Warren D. 2
- Alvarado, Audrey R. 2
- Bein, Louis F., 1919-1991 2
- Borneman, Walter R., 1952- 2
- Colorado Black Roundtable 2
- Colorado Citizens' Committee on Government 2
- Community Planning Committee for Economic Development. Education Focus Group 2
- Crowther, Edward R. 2
- Fell, James E., 1944- 2
- Fetter, Rosemary 2
- Geological Survey (U.S.) 2
- Goodstein, Phil H. 2
- Holzhauser, Erin 2
- Hunt, Geoffrey, 1952- 2
- Hunt, Rebecca A., 1952- 2
- Jessen, Kenneth 2
- Krupa, Leslie Mohr 2
- McClung, Quantrille D., 1890-1925 2
- McGoff, R. Mark 2
- Metro Denver GIVES 2
- Montoya, Fawn-Amber 2
- Nelson, J. Russell 2
- Pascoe, Pat 2
- Peterson, Courtland H. 2
- Pharris, Kevin 2
- Stewart, John C. 2
- Sundberg, Wayne C. 2
- University of Colorado at Denver. Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Analysis 2
- University of Colorado. Planning and Policy Development 2
- Waldron, Evelyn 2
- Wharton, Nicholas J. 2
- Whiteside, James, 1950- 2
- Women's Forum of Colorado, Inc. 2
- Wommack, Linda, 1958- 2
- Zimmer, Amy B. 2
- ACLU of Colorado 1
- Alexander, W.E. 1
- Ali and Hannah (Youth Reviewers) 1
- Andrews, Paul 1
- Andrews, Thomas G., 1972- 1
- Appleby, Susan Consola, 1967- 1
- Arnold, H.H. 1
- Audretsch, Robert W. 1
- Baca, Polly, 1941- 1
- Bain, Don, 1937- 1
- Bain, Stephen A. 1
- Baron, Robert C. 1
- Benson, Padraic 1
- Black American West Foundation 1
- Black Education Program Parent Advisory Group 1
- Blegen, Daniel 1
- Borom, Lawrence 1
- Bottoms, Nereyda L. 1
- Brill, Gregory R. 1
- Broome, Jeff 1
- Brown, Wesley A. 1
- Buchanan, Mary Estill 1
- Buechner, John C. (John Charles), 1934-2018 1
- Cady, Lew 1
- Carr, Shelby 1
- Citron, Christiane 1
- Clason, George S. (George Samuel), 1874-1957 1
- Clements, Eric L., 1958- 1
- Coalition for Equity and Excellence for African American Students 1
- Coel, Margaret, 1937- 1
- Collins, Jan MacKell, 1962- 1
- Collins, Susan M. 1
- Colorado Caucus of Black Elected Officials 1
- Colorado Civil Rights Division 1
- Colorado Council of Churches 1
- Colorado. Secretary of State's Office 1
- Community Planning Committee for Economic Development (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Contiguglia, Georgiana 1
- Corbridge, James N. 1
- Corson, Dan 1
- Cuba, Stan 1
- Davidson, Dale 1
- Davis, Hiawatha, Jr. 1
- Decker, Peter R., 1934- 1
- Dehler, Gregory J., 1968- 1
- Delaney, Arthur C., 1921- 1
- Dempsey, Stanley 1
- Dempsey, Stanley, 1939- 1
- Dennis, Evie Garrett, 1924- 1
- Denver Democratic County Central Committee 1
- Denver Planning Commission (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Diepenhorst, Jolie 1
- Downing, Warwick, 1931- 1
- Drake, Glendon F. 1
- Drake, James David, 1968- 1
- Ducker, Bruce 1
- Elnicki, Chris 1
- Emrich, David 1
- Etter, Don D.; Etter, Carolyn 1
- Everett, Derek R. 1
- Faulkner, Debra B. 1
- Fay, Dede 1
- Felice, Kelly 1
- Fieger, Jill 1
- Fisher, Steven, 1951- 1
- Flemming, Arthur S. (Arthur Sherwood), 1905-1996 1
- Forsyth, David, 1977- 1
- Fowler, Doug 1
- Franklin, Leslie S. 1
- Frauson, Robert N., 1924-2008 1
- Friesen, Steve, 1953- 1
- Frisbee, Meg 1
- Garcia, Reginaldo G. 1
- Garrett, Ray 1
- Geiger, Joseph 1
- Gerrity, Karen 1
- Gipson, Bernard F., 1921-2015 1
- Gould, Richard, 1947-2013 1
- Halaas, David Fridtjof 1
- Hansen, William J. 1
- Heron, Robert (engineer) 1
- Holme Roberts & Owen 1
- Hores, Dorothy 1
- Hou, Xiaojia 1
- Hutchinson, Art 1
- International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of America. Joint Council 3 (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Jabrocki, Aly 1
- Jackson, Anna Mitchell 1
- Jameson, Savannah 1
- Janssen, Bill 1
- Jenks, Kelly L. 1
- Joey Evan and Emily (Youth Reviewers) 1
- John H. Amesse 1
- Kalavity, Karen 1
- Klodt, Steve 1
- Kopp, Peter 1
- Kraemer, Sandy F. 1
- Krause, Robert E. 1
- Krieger, George W. 1
- Kuharic, Kevin 1
- La Fond, John Q. 1
- Laird, Pamela Walker, 1947- 1
- Lamm, Dottie 1
- Laugen, R. Todd 1
- Lee, Steve 1
- Lipinski, Paul 1
- Livingston, Susan Wehr 1
- Malkoski, Paul A. 1
- Maniatis, Dino G. 1
- Manion, John S. 1
- Marshall, Rosemary 1
- Mary Beth Susman 1
- Mason, Erik 1
- McCoy, Marilyn 1
- McLoughlin, Paul 1
- Mead, Jay 1
- Mercado, Elnora M. 1
- Mickey, Vernetta 1
- Milavec, Pam 1
- Mills, James A. 1
- Monnett, John H. 1
- Moore, Keith L. 1
- Morton, Tom 1
- Murphy, Jacqueline 1
- Nelson, David P.; Nelson, Todd David 1
- Newman, Steven L., 1945-2021 1
- Oehlerts, Donald E. 1
- Ozment, James L. 1
- Palmer, James D., 1930-2023 1
- Paton, Bruce C. 1
- Peters, James "Pete" 1
- Pickering, James H. 1
- Pierson, Fran 1
- Pledger, Norman N. 1
- Raab, Jonathan 1
- Rachel Noel for Regent Committee, Inc. 1
- Rees, Jonathan 1
- Ruskin, Steve 1
- Russell, Sarah 1
- Sandberg, Carl 1
- Sanocki, Abigail 1
- Schneck, Stuart A., 1929- 1
- Schroeder, Lee 1
- Schroeder, Pat 1
- Silver, Ruth S. 1
- Simmons, Liz 1
- Smith, Gladys 1
- Staggs, Kelley 1
- Starr, Ruth M. 1
- Steinhauser, Sheldon 1
- Stettner, Arianth C. 1
- Stott, Annette 1
- Theus, Lucius 1
- Thiry, Christopher J.J. 1
- Tietszch-Tyler, Daniel 1
- Trump, T.J. 1
- United States. Employment Standards Administration 1
- University of Colorado Boulder. Black Student Alliance 1
- University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. Chancellor's Affirmative Action Advisory Committee 1
- University of Colorado at Denver. Diversity Awareness and Responsive Environment Committee 1
- University of Colorado at Denver. Office of Affirmative Action 1
- University of Colorado. Black Education Program 1
- University of Colorado. Minority Student Recruitment and Retention Task Force 1
- University of Colorado. Office of Affirmative Action 1
- University of Colorado. President's Evaluation Committee 1
- University of Colorado. President's Select Committee on Affirmative Action 1
- University of Denver 1
- Van Ness, Margaret A. 1
- Von Haas, Marie 1
- Webb, Wilma, 1943- 1
- Wegman-French, Elizabeth 1
- Whitacre, Christine 1
- White, Carneice Brown 1
- Whitlock, Flint 1
- Williams, Murphy C., Rev., 1916-1989 1
- Yamauchi, Ruth Y., 1915-2016 1
Show More - Geographic Area...
- Colorado 427
- Arkansas 1
- California 1
- Front Range (Colo. and Wyo.) 1
- Italy 1
- Japan 1
- Nebraska 1
- Texas 1
- Topaz (Utah) 1
- Type of Material...
- Book reviews 230
- Documents 83
- Business correspondence 58
- Minutes (Records) 11
- Statutes and codes 7
- Oral histories 6
- Speeches 6
- Personal correspondence 5
- Newsletters 3
- Reference works 3
- Brochures 2
- Campaign speeches 2
- Programs 2
- Telegrams 2
- Field notes 1
- Geological maps 1
- Index 1
- Informational works 1
- Maps 1
- Pamphlets (Tracts) 1
- Records (Documents) 1
- Résumés 1
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- Creator...
- Map114
- Creator...
- Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories (U.S.) 12
- Clason Map Co. 8
- Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories (U.S.); Hayden, F.V. (Ferdinand Vandeveer), 1829-1887 7
- Thayer, H. L. (Homer Lockwood), 1837-1904 7
- Nell, Louis 5
- Case, Francis M. 3
- Ebert, Frederick J. 2
- Public Service Company of Colorado 2
- Rand McNally and Company 2
- Asher & Adams 1
- Audretsch, Robert W. 1
- Bailey, A. M. 1
- Beam, George L. (George Lytle), 1868-1935 1
- Blackmore, William, 1827-1878 1
- Bonsall and Kellogg 1
- Bonsall, J. H. 1
- Clason, George S. (George Samuel), 1874-1957 1
- Colorado Geological Survey 1
- Colorado Telephone Company 1
- Colorado. State Highway Commission 1
- Colton, G. Woolworth (George Woolworth), 1827-1901. 1
- Colton, George W. 1
- Costilla Estates Development Company 1
- Denver Chamber of Commerce. Winter Sports Committee 1
- Fischer, Emil B. 1
- Garbutt, Frank C. 1
- Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian (U.S.) 1
- Geological Survey (U.S.) 1
- Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories (U.S.); Hayden, F.V. (Ferdinand Vandeveer), 1829-1887. 1
- George, Russell D., 1866- 1
- Gray, O. W. (Ormando Wyllis), 1829-1912 1
- H.M. Gousha Company 1
- Hafen, LeRoy R. (LeRoy Reuben), 1893-1985 1
- Harvey, August F. 1
- Hollister, Ovando James, 1834-1892 1
- Johnson, A. J. (Alvin Jewett), 1827-1884 1
- Kansas Pacific Railway Company 1
- Kellogg, Edwin H. 1
- Lemercier et cie 1
- Macomb, J. N. (John N.), 1810 or 1811-1889 1
- Miller, Harry, Jr. 1
- Mitchell, S. Augustus (Samuel Augustus), 1792-1868 1
- Perkins, Walter Edgar 1
- Pezolt, F. (Frank) 1
- Pierce, John 1
- Pierce, John. 1
- Prout, Henry G. (Henry Goslee) 1
- Rocky Mountain Photo Company 1
- Shelton, Hal 1
- Silversparre, Axel. 1
- Sinclair, E. W. 1
- U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Colorado State Office. 1
- U.S. Geological Survey 1
- Union Pacific Railroad Company. Passenger Dept. 1
- United States. Post Office Department 1
- United States. War Dept. 1
- Wagner, John 1
- Witherby and Company 1
- von Motz, Albert, 1843- 1
Show More - Geographic Area...
- Colorado 114
- Utah 11
- New Mexico 10
- Arizona 5
- Kansas 4
- Utah 2
- New Mexico 1
- Wyoming 1
- Baca County (Colo.) 1
- Bent County (Colo.) 1
- Cheyenne County (Colo.) 1
- Kiowa County (Colo.) 1
- Las Animas County (Colo.) 1
- Lincoln County (Colo.) 1
- Nebraska 1
- North Dakota 1
- Prowers County (Colo.) 1
- South Dakota 1
- Wyoming 1
Show More - Type of Map...
- Railroad maps 17
- Topographic maps 16
- General maps 8
- Road maps 8
- Thematic maps 7
- Mines and mining claim maps 3
- Cadastral maps 1
- Geology maps 1
- Manuscript maps 1
- Military maps 1
- Tourist maps 1
Show More
- Creator...
- Oral History18
- Creator...
- Brown, George L., 1926-2006 1
- Delaney, Arthur C., 1921- 1
- Frauson, Robert N., 1924-2008 1
- Gipson, Bernard F., 1921-2015 1
- Heron, Robert (engineer) 1
- Humphreys, Ray M. (Ray Murto), 1893-1973 1
- KOA (Radio station 1
- Knauss, Francis J., 1885-1968 1
- Maiden, Robert R., 1890-1976 1
- Noel, Rachel Bassette, 1918-2008 1
- Owen, Reginald Bryan, 1913-2000 1
- Saunders, Glenn G., 1904-1990 1
- Steele, George C., 1888-1974 1
- Tebow, Henry J. 1
- Toll, Henry W. (Henry Wolcott), 1887-1975 1
- Underhill, Ruth, 1883-1984 1
- Williams, Murphy C., Rev., 1916-1990 1
- Yamauchi, Ruth Y., 1915-2016 1
Show More
- Creator...
- Photograph321
- Creator...
- McClure, Louis Charles, 1867-1957 134
- Rhoads, Harry Mellon, 1880 or 1881-1975 30
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 23
- Jerome, Irene E. (Irene Elizabeth), 1858- 18
- Beam, George L. (George Lytle), 1868-1935 12
- McCloud, Burnis, 1908-1990 4
- O'Rourke, Phil 3
- Rule, Lloyd 3
- Southworth, William A., 1921-2003 3
- Allen, David B. 2
- Krear, H. Robert, 1922-2017 2
- Papp, James 2
- Blanchard, L. W. 1
- Brumfield & Gilbert 1
- Cosand & Mosser. 1
- Fine, H. T. 1
- Graham, Charles, 1852-1911. 1
- Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872 1
- Hadskey, John William, 1925-1999 1
- King, Jasper E. (Jasper Earnest), 1898-1973 1
- Lafferty, Ralph Frederick, 1918-2012 1
- Litton, Martin 1
- Lunday, Philip A., 1924-2011 1
- Marton, Arthur A., 1923-2013 1
- McKee, Thomas Michael, 1854-1939 1
- Mile High Photo Company. 1
- Morgan, Ralph 1
- Moscow, Lorraine 1
- Ramaley, David. 1
- Rose & Hopkins. 1
Show More - Geographic Area...
- Colorado 321
- Type of Material...
- Photographic prints 259
- Glass negatives 161
- Black & white photographs 126
- Film negatives 57
- Sample books 22
- Albumen prints 19
- Cyanotypes 18
- Group portraits 15
- Portrait photographs 14
- Color photographs 10
- Panoramic photographs 9
- Slides 8
- Collodion printing-out paper prints 6
- Nitrate negatives 4
- Postcards 4
- Illustrations 3
- Photograph prints; Black & white photographs 3
- Tear sheets 3
- Wood engravings 3
- Portrait photographs; Black & white photographs 2
- Aerial photographs 1
- Card photographs 1
- Contact sheets 1
- Glamour photographs 1
- Landscape photographs 1
- Maps 1
- Newspapers 1
- Publicity photographs 1
- Text 1
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- Creator...
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