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- Art1
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- Photograph1317
- Creator...
- Poley, H. S. (Horace Swartley) 102
- Curtis, Edward S., 1868-1952 92
- Rinehart, F. A. (Frank A.) 90
- Heyn Photo. 39
- Barry, D. F. (David Francis), 1854-1934 28
- Randall, A. F. (A. Frank) 24
- Stone, Benjamin. 24
- Pennington, William M. 20
- Vannerson, Julian, 1827- 19
- Masters, Joseph G., 1873-1954 16
- Throssel, Richard, -1933 14
- Wittick, Ben, 1845-1903. 14
- Soule, W. S. 13
- Throssel, Richard, d. 1933. 11
- Matteson, Sumner W., 1867-1920. 8
- Bostwick, Louis R. 7
- Hargrave, J. J. 7
- Nast, Charles A. 7
- Rose, Noah H. 5
- Bailey, Dix & Mead. 4
- Duncan, Geoffrey. 4
- Mullarky, W. T. 4
- Parkhurst, T. Harmon. 4
- Walker Art Studio. 4
- Bates. 3
- Boston. 3
- Northwestern Photographic Co. 3
- Stilwell, L. W. 3
- Addison, George A. 2
- Bailey, Dix & Mead 2
- Beam, George L. (George Lytle), 1868-1935 2
- Buckwalter, Harry H. 2
- Curtis, Edward S., 1868-1952. 2
- F. Jay Haynes & Bro. 2
- Fiske, Frank Bennett, 1883-1952. 2
- Frashers Fotos. 2
- Houseworth, Thomas, 1829-1915. 2
- Huffman, L. A. (Laton Alton), 1854-1931 2
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 2
- Keystone View Company. 2
- Kohlberg & Hopkins. 2
- McClure, Louis Charles, 1867-1957 2
- Morledge, C. G. (Clarence Grant) 2
- Mullarky Photo. 2
- O'Neill Photo Co. 2
- Purdy. 2
- Salviati, Paolo 2
- San Juan Studio. 2
- Sharpe. 2
- Swett, Sergeant. 2
- Thome. 2
- Underwood & Underwood. 2
- Whitney's Gallery. 2
- Zimmerman, Charles A. 2
- Allyn, Harry J. 1
- Anderson, J. A. (John Alvin), 1869-1948. 1
- Baker & Johnston. 1
- Bonine, E. A. 1
- Boos, Edward H. 1
- Burge, J. C. 1
- Burtlett & Scott. 1
- Butterfield, L. T. 1
- C. S. Photo. 1
- Campbell, Smithers. 1
- Chamberlain, W. G. (William Gunnison), 1815-1910 1
- Champney, Benjamin, 1817-1907 1
- Chanute, Octave, 1832-1910. 1
- Chapin, Frederick H. (Frederick Hastings) 1
- Chase, D. B. (Dana B.) 1
- Choate & Co. 1
- Choate, J. N. (John N.), 1848-1902. 1
- Choate. 1
- Clement, E. L. 1
- Colorado Photo Co. 1
- Cornish, Geo. B. (George Bancroft) 1
- Cosand & Mosser. 1
- Courier. 1
- Craig, Frank, 1874-1918. 1
- Crane's Studio. 1
- Dahl Studio. 1
- Dean, Frank E., 1864-1947 1
- Drake. 1
- Drout, John. 1
- Dunning, Harold M. 1
- Dunning, R. I. 1
- Eagan. 1
- Eisenmann, Charles, 1850- 1
- Freiberg, E. J. 1
- Gardner, Alexander. 1
- Gibbons, Jack E. 1
- Gilbert, Z. (Zalmon), 1841-1897. 1
- Goff, O. S. (Orlando Scott), 1843-1917 1
- Graufogel, George. 1
- Hackett, F. B. 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 1
- Hopkins, Benjamin S. 1
- Huffman, L. A. (Laton Alton), 1854-1931. 1
- Hutton. 1
- Jacoby, C. E. 1
- Jeancon, Jean Allard. 1
- Kelly, R. L. (Robert Louis) 1
- Lambert, Alexander. 1
- Lintin. 1
- Livingston. 1
- Louis R. Bostwick Commercial Photographers. 1
- Lungren, Fernand, 1857-1932. 1
- Martin, W. H. 1
- McKee, Thomas M., 1854-1939 1
- McKee, Thomas Michael, 1854-1939 1
- Mellen, George E. 1
- Miller, James A. 1
- Moon, Carl, 1878-1948. 1
- Moorehouse, Lee. 1
- Morris & Kirby. 1
- Morrow, Stanley J. 1
- Mullhausen, E. B. 1
- N. W. Photo Co. (Chadron, Neb.) 1
- Nephen. 1
- Nickson, John Dudley. 1
- Nusbaum, Jesse L. (Jesse Logan) 1
- Out-West Photos. 1
- Palmquist & Jurgens. 1
- Perry & Petrik. 1
- Petzoldt, Father. 1
- Powell, Tod. 1
- Prof. S. J. Sedgwick, Publisher. 1
- Reed, W. H. 1
- Reinhart, F. A. (Frank A.) 1
- Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909 1
- Ribelin, W. H. 1
- Rose & Hopkins. 1
- Sanborn (Colo.) 1
- Sarony, Napoleon, 1821-1896. 1
- Shindler, A. Zeno (Antonio Zeno), 1823-1899. 1
- Smith-Hassell Co. 1
- Standiford, J. F. 1
- Stimson, Joseph Elam, 1870-1952. 1
- Tammen, H. H. 1
- Tolman. 1
- Tuttle, A. C. 1
- United States. Office of Indian Affairs. 1
- Upton, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1818 or 1824-after 1901. 1
- Vik, O. A. (Ole Anders) 1
- W. E. Hook Wholesale View Company. 1
- Walter Sherburne Photographic Art Gallery. 1
- Wanamaker, Rodman, 1863-1928. 1
- Ward, De W. C. 1
- Weitfle, Charles, 1836- 1
- Whitney & Zimmerman. 1
- Wolle, Muriel Sibell, 1898-1977 1
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- Type of Material...
- Photographic prints 878
- Portrait photographs 512
- Film negatives 410
- Black & white photographs 194
- Glass negatives 173
- Group portraits 146
- Photogravures 94
- Portraits 78
- Postcards 66
- Albumen prints 62
- Photomechanical prints 34
- Nitrate negatives 28
- Cabinet photographs 23
- Stereographs 20
- Portrait photographs. 19
- Salted paper prints 19
- Halftone photomechanical prints--Color 13
- Collodion printing-out paper prints 12
- Book illustrations 11
- Photographic postcards 11
- Book illustrations. 10
- Glass photonegatives 10
- Art 9
- Film photonegatives 9
- Engravings 8
- Periodical illustrations 7
- Photographic prints--Color 7
- Halftone photomechanical prints 6
- Illustrations 5
- Cartes de visite 4
- Oil paintings 4
- Photomechanical prints--Color 4
- Photoprints 4
- Stereographs--Hand colored 4
- Tear sheets 4
- Cabinet photographs--Color 3
- Film negatives. 3
- Paintings 3
- Black & white photographs.--Color 2
- Cyanotypes 2
- Engravings. 2
- Albumen portraits 1
- Card photographs 1
- Clippings 1
- Color photographs 1
- Composite photographs 1
- Glass transparencies 1
- Lithographs 1
- Negatives 1
- Panoramic photographs 1
- Photogravures prints 1
- Photomontages 1
- Platinum prints 1
- Platinum prints--Color 1
- Portrait 1
- Portrait Photographs 1
- Portrait paintings 1
- Postcards--Color 1
- Prints 1
- Publicity photographs 1
- Sketches 1
- Wood engravings 1
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