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The Coal Seam Fire burns along  Interstate 70.
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Smoke clouds dwarf a helicopter above the raging  Missionary Ridge Fire near Durango.
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A helicopter flies over a charred forest near Cheesman Reservoir in Colorado.
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Memorial services for pilots of a slurry bomber that crashed fighting the Big Elk Fire.
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A PB4Y-2 slurry bomber plunges to the ground in flames, killing both pilots.
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A man jumps from his roof after wetting it down during Colorado's  Valley Fire.
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A barn bursts into flames after it is caught in the Valley Fire.
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Margie Dleva and her son stopped at a roadblock to volunteer.
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Evacuated residents recite the Pledge of Allegiance before a briefing.
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Residents react at being told that the Hayman fire is advancing toward their town.
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Propane tanks and a car destroyed by Colorado's Coal Seam Fire in 2002.
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Evacuated ranchers listen to music while maintaining a roadblock.
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West of Glenwood Springs, the Coal Seam Fire burns along  Interstate 70.
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Smoke smudges the face of Dave Kahan during Colorado's Big Elk Fire in 2002.
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A tanker drops fire retardant on the Big Elk Fire in Colorado.
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Friends of Terry Barton react to the news that she had been charged with arson.
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Fire looms menacingly behind a mountain home near Durango.
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Smoke smudges the face of Dave Kahan during Colorado's Big Elk Fire in 2002.
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Propane tanks and a car destroyed by Colorado's Coal Seam Fire in 2002.
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Residents of Lake George, CO react at a briefing to the news that the Hayman Fire was  approaching their town.
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Rocky Mountain News photo staff and the Pulitzer Prize certificate.
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Margie Dleva gets son Spencer Delva into their van.
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Friends of Terry Barton react to the news that she had been charged with arson.
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Firefighter Daniel Crawford catches his breath after battling the Hayman Fire.
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