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- Art3
- Building Plan1
- Document12
- Creator...
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- Illustrations 12
- Coloring books 1
- Documents 1
- Photograph266
- Creator...
- Davis, Theodore Russell, 1840-1894 13
- Cary, William de la Montagne, 1840-1922 11
- Frenzeny & Tavernier. 10
- Graham, Charles, 1852-1911. 10
- Rogers, W. A. (William Allen), 1854-1931. 7
- Frenzeny, Paul, 1840-1902 6
- Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909 5
- Zogbaum, Rufus Fairchild, 1849-1925. 5
- Lungren, Fernand, 1857-1932. 3
- Nast, Thomas, 1840-1902 3
- Pranishnikoff, Ivan Petrovitch. 3
- Waud, Alfred R. (Alfred Rudolph), 1828-1891. 3
- Woodville, Richard Caton, 1856-1927. 3
- Bunner, Andrew F. (Andrew Fisher), 1841-1897. 2
- Davis, Theodore Russell, 1840-1894. 2
- Gookins, James F. 2
- Huyett, D. H. 2
- Lumley, Arthur, approximately 1837-1912 2
- Peters, G. W. 2
- Schell, Francis H., 1834-1909. 2
- Adney, Tappan, 1868-1950. 1
- Andrew, John, 1815-1875 1
- Andrew, John, 1815-1875. 1
- Bagley, James M., 1837-1910. 1
- Barnard and Graham. 1
- Bates, William L. 1
- Beard, James Carter, 1837-1913. 1
- Bloom, Charles. 1
- Bonwill, Charles E. H., approximately 1836- 1
- Booth, C. A. 1
- Bunner, Andrew F. (Andrew Fisher), 1841-1897 1
- Burdick, Horace Robbins, 1844-1942 1
- Butler, T. A. 1
- Cary, W. C. 1
- Cary, William de la Montagne, 1840-1922. 1
- Champney, Benjamin, 1817-1907 1
- Church, Frederick S. (Frederick Stuart), 1842-1924. 1
- Craig, Frank, 1874-1918. 1
- Davis, Theodore 1
- Donaghy, J. 1
- Drenkel, D. R. 1
- Emery, C. E. (Charles E.) 1
- Eytinge, Solomon, 1833-1905 1
- Farny, Henry François, 1847-1916 1
- Farny, Henry François, 1847-1916. 1
- Frenzeny & Tavernier 1
- Frenzeny, Paul. 1
- Gleason, J. Duncan (Joe Duncan), 1881-1959. 1
- Graham, Charles. 1
- Harral, Horace. 1
- Hawley, Hughson, 1850-1936. 1
- Howland, John Dare, 1843-1914. 1
- Ingersoll, Ernest, 1852-1946. 1
- Jump, Edwin 1
- Jump, Edwin. 1
- Key, John Ross, 1832-1920 1
- Kirkland, Charles D., 1851-1926. 1
- Libby, E. P. 1
- Lucas, Marc. 1
- McCauley, C. A. H. (Charles Adam Hoke), b. 1847. 1
- Mente, Charles. 1
- Meyerheim, Paul Friedrich, 1842-1915 1
- Morgan, D. P. 1
- Moser, James Henry, 1854-1913 1
- Nast, Thomas, 1840-1902. 1
- Nevin, M. 1
- Nichols, H. D. 1
- Perkins, Granville, 1830-1895 1
- Prendergast, John, 1815- 1
- Reilly, John James, 1839-1894. 1
- Régamey, Félix, 1844-1907. 1
- Riesenberg, Sidney H. 1
- Rix, Julian 1
- Rogers, William H., artist. 1
- Smillie, James David, 1833-1909. 1
- Smith, D., artist. 1
- Sooy, Benjamin F. 1
- Stanley, St. George 1
- Tavernier, Jules, 1844-1889 1
- Tavernier, Jules. 1
- Thulstrup, Thure de, 1848-1930 1
- Thulstrup, Thure de, 1848-1930. 1
- Waller, S. E. (Samuel Edmund), 1850-1903. 1
- Wand, A. R. 1
- Wilkins, N. B. 1
- Worrall, H. 1
- Worrall, Henry 1
- Worth, Thomas, 1834-1917 1
- Zogbaum, Rufus Fairchild, 1849-1925 1
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- Denver (Colo.) 23
- Cripple Creek (Colo.) 12
- Aspen (Colo.) 4
- Leadville (Colo.) 4
- Salt Lake City (Utah) 4
- Colorado 3
- Colorado Springs (Colo.) 3
- Lake County (Colo.) 3
- El Paso County (Colo.) 2
- Rio Blanco County (Colo.) 2
- Rock Springs (Wyo.) 2
- San Francisco (Calif.) 2
- Barnum (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Boulder County (Colo.) 1
- Breckenridge (Colo.) 1
- Calaveras County (Calif.) 1
- Denver (Colo.); Central City (Colo.) 1
- Denver (Colo.); Glenwood Springs (Colo.) 1
- Fort Collins (Colo.) 1
- Gilpin County (Colo.) 1
- Glenwood Springs (Colo.) 1
- Golden (Colo.) 1
- Gunnison County (Colo.) 1
- Helena (Mont.) 1
- Huerfano County (Colo.) 1
- Kit Carson (Colo.) 1
- Montana 1
- Montrose (Colo.) 1
- Montrose County (Colo.) 1
- San Juan County (Colo.) 1
Show More - Type of Material...
- Illustrations 266
- Tear sheets 248
- Wood engravings 213
- Film negatives 58
- Halftone photomechanical prints 17
- Photomechanical prints 17
- Photographic prints 13
- Group portraits 4
- Title pages 4
- Cityscapes 3
- Halftone photomecanical prints 3
- Lithographs 3
- Portraits 3
- Cityscape photographs 2
- Film negatives. 2
- Nitrate negatives 2
- Aerial views 1
- Allegorical drawings 1
- Black & white photographs 1
- Cartoons (Commentary) 1
- Cityscapes. 1
- Clippings 1
- Engravings 1
- Ink drawings 1
- Newspapers 1
- Political cartoons 1
- Prints 1
- Renderings 1
- Text 1
- Wood engravings--Color 1
- Wood engravings--hand col 1
- Wood engravingsd 1
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