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- Map1
- Photograph5439
- Creator...
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 2049
- Rose & Hopkins. 256
- Rothberger, Henry V. 115
- O'Sullivan, Timothy H., 1840-1882 108
- Hillers, John K., 1843-1925 93
- Rinehart, A. E. (Alfred Evans) 81
- Hull, Arundel C., 1846-1908 80
- Chamberlain, W. G. (William Gunnison), 1815-1910 79
- Rose & Hopkins 71
- Chase, D. B. (Dana B.) 55
- Storm, Francis D. 48
- Chapin, Frederick H. (Frederick Hastings) 46
- Hook, W. E. (William Edward), 1833-1908 37
- Bell, William, 1830-1910 36
- Carbutt, John, 1832-1905. 36
- Goodman, Charles, 1843-1912 35
- Poley, H. S. (Horace Swartley) 35
- Watkins, Carleton E., 1829-1916. 32
- Beaman, E. O. 30
- Gonner & Leeka. 27
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 26
- Nast, Charles A. 26
- Gurnsey, B. H. (Byron H.), 1833-1880 23
- Bellsmith, H. S. 22
- Weitfle, Charles, 1836-1921 22
- Clements, Edward N. 21
- Flach, Gustave A. 21
- Talbot, Chalmers W. 20
- Collier, Joseph 19
- Martin, Alex (Alexander), 1841-1929 18
- bell, william, 1830-1910 17
- Randall, A. F. (A. Frank) 16
- McLean, Lachlan, 1843-1929 15
- Furlong, J. N. (James N.) 13
- Hart, Alfred A., 1816-1908 13
- Bates, William L. 12
- Carter, C. W. 11
- Davidson, I. G. (Isaac Grundy) 11
- Underwood & Underwood. 11
- Luke, Wellington O. 10
- Watkins, Carleton E., 1829-1916 10
- Hiestand, J. G. 9
- Soule, W. S. 9
- Bohm, Charles 8
- Croft, Thomas. 8
- Kilburn Brothers. 8
- Savage, C. R. (Charles Roscoe), 1832-1909. 8
- Thomas Houseworth & Co. 8
- Bates & Nye. 7
- Mellen, George E. 7
- Wakely, George D. 7
- Walker, William H., photographer. 7
- Weitfle, Charles, 1836- 7
- Brown, W. Henry (William Henry) 6
- Dalgleish, G. (George) 6
- Gurnsey, B. H. (Byron H.), 1833-1880. 6
- McKee, Thomas Michael, 1854-1939 6
- Rose & Company. 6
- Stiffler, George W. 6
- Continent Stereoscopic Company 5
- Continent Stereoscopic Company. 5
- Harlan, Andrew James. 5
- Hart, Alfred A., 1816-1908. 5
- Kilburn, B. W. (Benjamin West), 1827-1909. 5
- Nims, F. A. 5
- Perry & Bohm 5
- Silvis, J. B. 5
- Bohm, Charles. 4
- Dennis, A. W. 4
- Grabill, John C. H. 4
- Hubbell, Royal, 1860-1932. 4
- Ogden & Irish. 4
- Strohmeyer & Wyman. 4
- Throbeck, Samuel J. O. 4
- Thurlow, James T. (James Thomas), 1831-1878 4
- W. H. Lawrence & Co. 4
- Clement, E. L. 3
- Duhem Brothers 3
- Emery, C. E. (Charles E.) 3
- Erdlen, C. W. (Charles W.), 1857-1935. 3
- Fennemore, James 3
- Graham, Frank. 3
- Hardesty, Frank 3
- Huffman, L. A. (Laton Alton), 1854-1931. 3
- Kirkland, Charles D., 1851-1926. 3
- McKinney, Albert S. 3
- Partridge, Samuel C. 3
- Perry & Bohm. 3
- Rose & Company 3
- Savage, C. R. (Charles Roscoe), 1832-1909 3
- Sturtevant, J. Bevier (Joseph Bevier), 1851-1910. 3
- Westerman, Otto 3
- Yelton, Edgar A. 3
- Barnhouse & Wheeler. 2
- Beam, George L. (George Lytle), 1868-1935 2
- Buehman, Henry H. 2
- Campbell, R. L. 2
- Clinton, J. L. 2
- Conklin, E. (Enoch) 2
- Dean, Frank E., 1864-1947 2
- George W. McDonald & Company. 2
- Hubbell, Royal, 1860-1932 2
- J. Freedman & Co. 2
- Lake, Harry H., 1860-1952 2
- Mitchell, D. S. (Daniel Sedgley), 1838-1929 2
- Moore, G. W. 2
- Northwestern Photographic Co. 2
- Nutt, James W. 2
- Post, Frederick E. 2
- Reed & McKinney. 2
- Riddle, J. R. 2
- Russell, Andrew J. 2
- Stair, L. E. 2
- Steele, W. C. 2
- Thurlow, James. 2
- Turner, Thomas C., photographer. 2
- Walker, William H. 2
- Adams, E., photographer. 1
- Allen, C. F. 1
- Andersen, Walter M. 1
- Andrews, E. C. 1
- Angell, C. L. 1
- Armington, W. R. 1
- Atkinson, C. W. 1
- B. W. Kilburn Company. 1
- Bailey, A. C., photographer. 1
- Bailey, Dix & Mead. 1
- Barkalow Brothers. 1
- Barnhouse, T. E. 1
- Beecher, H. N. 1
- Bennett & Brown 1
- Bennett & Brown. 1
- Berra, N. A. 1
- Bingham & Craver. 1
- Bonine, E. A. 1
- Boston. 1
- Bowman, W. S., photographer. 1
- Brady & Co. (Washington, D.C.) 1
- Brady Studio. 1
- Brisbois, Alfred. 1
- Brumfield & Gilbert 1
- Brumfield & Gilbert. 1
- Brumfield, M. 1
- Bundy & Train. 1
- Burge, J. C. 1
- Burtlett & Scott. 1
- Butterfield, L. T. 1
- Central Photo Parlors. 1
- Choate, J. N. (John N.), 1848-1902. 1
- Choate. 1
- Cobb, William Henry, 1859-1909. 1
- Consolidated Stanley Mining Company. 1
- Cosand & Mosser 1
- Cosand & Mosser. 1
- Cross, W. R. (William R.) 1
- Cunningham & Co. 1
- Curtiss artistic photography (Madison, Wis.) 1
- Dalgleish Brothers. 1
- Dana, photographer. 1
- Davis, O. T. 1
- Davis, Robert M., 1857- 1
- Davis, Robert M., photographer. 1
- De Groff, Edward, fl. 1900s. 1
- DeLux Studio. 1
- Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company. 1
- Duhem Brothers. 1
- E. & H. T. Anthony (Firm) 1
- Eagan. 1
- Eggleston Brothers. 1
- Eicks & Lemmon. 1
- Elite Photographic Gallery. 1
- Elliott, Rufus F. 1
- Erdlen, C. W. 1
- Erdlen, C. W. (Charles W.), 1857-1935 1
- Evans, Frank E. 1
- Fly, C. S. (Camillus Sidney), 1849-1901. 1
- Foreman, Walter H. 1
- Fredericks' Knickerbocker Family Portrait Gallery. 1
- Fricke & Co. 1
- Gage, Herman Kimball. 1
- Galbraith, H., Mrs. 1
- Gillen, William J., photographer. 1
- Graves, C. H. (Carleton H.), -1943 1
- Hallen. 1
- Hartley Portraits. 1
- Haynes, Frederick E., photographer. 1
- Hersom, C. E. 1
- Hiester, H. T. 1
- Hiester, Henry T. 1
- Hilton, E. F. 1
- Hollowell, N. C. 1
- Horsley, W. M. 1
- Houghton, M. D. 1
- Houseworth, Thomas, 1829-1915. 1
- Howard, Charles, approximately 1842- 1
- Hutchinson, W. I. 1
- J. W. & J. S. Moulton (Firm) 1
- Jackman & Buell Photo 1
- Kaadt, Christian G. 1
- Kilburn, B. W. (Benjamin West), 1827-1909 1
- Krueger, Carl E. 1
- Lamphear's New Lisbon Photographic Gallery. 1
- Lenny & Jordan. 1
- Loo, Leon van. 1
- Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 1859-1928. 1
- Lutz, L. B. 1
- Martin & Peers. 1
- Martin, Alexander, 1929. 1
- McCormick [Photography, Boston, Mass.] 1
- Meigs. 1
- Mernin, T. G. 1
- Miller, T. C. 1
- Montfort, E., photographer 1
- Montfort, E., photographer. 1
- Morledge, C. G. (Clarence Grant) 1
- Morrison, Robert, Colorado photographer. 1
- Morrow, Stanley J. 1
- N. Brown & Son. 1
- Oldroyd, L. K. 1
- Ostby, E. 1
- Ouray Drug Co. 1
- Pattison, Myron. 1
- Perrtz. 1
- Peterson, C. E. 1
- Prof. S. J. Sedgwick, Publisher. 1
- Randall and Wilcox. 1
- Reed & McKinney 1
- Reed, J. H., photographer. 1
- Regnier, L. D. 1
- Reilly & Ormsby. 1
- Rice, W. Arthur. 1
- Rood, E. H. 1
- Rose & Co. 1
- Rose & Hopkins (Firm) 1
- Rösch. 1
- Rutter, Thomas H. 1
- Saint, T. G. 1
- Scott, Geo. W. 1
- Shepler and Son. 1
- Stanley, Clyde L., 1887-1976. 1
- Stephan, George. 1
- Swan, Justus C. 1
- Swanson, Aaron. 1
- Tangen, Ed, 1873-1951. 1
- Taylor, F. A., photographer. 1
- Thayer, photographer. 1
- Thayer. 1
- Thomas, A. M., photographer. 1
- Thompson, Alvah B. 1
- Thompson, T. A. 1
- Thomson, D. P. 1
- Turton & Howe. 1
- Upton, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1818 or 1824-after 1901. 1
- Walter Sherburne Photographic Art Gallery. 1
- Way & Knoerzer. 1
- Wells, Charles H. 1
- Whitney & Zimmerman. 1
- Woodward, C. W. 1
- Wright, Charles C. 1
Show More - Geographic Area...
- Denver (Colo.) 1390
- El Paso County (Colo.) 287
- Fremont County (Colo.) 130
- Colorado Springs (Colo.) 120
- Georgetown (Colo.) 94
- Glenwood Springs (Colo.) 94
- Ouray County (Colo.) 87
- Garfield County (Colo.) 79
- Manitou Springs (Colo.) 77
- Clear Creek County (Colo.) 68
- Leadville (Colo.) 66
- Jefferson County (Colo.) 59
- Yellowstone National Park 56
- San Miguel County (Colo.) 54
- Boulder County (Colo.) 48
- Gunnison County (Colo.) 41
- Huerfano County (Colo.) 41
- Mesa Verde National Park (Colo.) 41
- San Juan County (Colo.) 40
- Lake County (Colo.) 38
- Pitkin County (Colo.) 38
- Eagle County (Colo.) 37
- Teller County (Colo.) 37
- Durango (Colo.) 33
- Douglas County (Colo.) 32
- Park County (Colo.) 30
- Chaffee County (Colo.) 28
- Montezuma County (Colo.) 28
- Larimer County (Colo.) 26
- Central City (Colo.) 25
- Grand County (Colo.) 23
- Saguache County (Colo.) 23
- Chicago (Ill.) 22
- Conejos County (Colo.) 20
- Colorado 19
- Gilpin County (Colo.) 19
- Summit County (Colo.) 19
- Pueblo (Colo.) 18
- Salt Lake City (Utah) 17
- Cripple Creek (Colo.) 15
- Hinsdale County (Colo.) 15
- Aspen (Colo.) 14
- Blackhawk (Colo.) 11
- Creede (Colo.) 11
- La Plata County (Colo.) 11
- Mineral County (Colo.) 11
- Santa Fe (N.M.) 11
- Costilla County (Colo.) 10
- Montrose County (Colo.) 10
- Dolores (Colo.) 8
- Silverton (Colo.) 8
- Teton National Park (Wyo.) 8
- Boulder (Colo.) 7
- Buena Vista (Colo.) 7
- Salida (Colo.) 7
- Telluride (Colo.) 7
- Estes Park (Colo.) 6
- Laramie (Wyo.) 6
- Golden (Colo.) 5
- Idaho Springs (Colo.) 5
- Moffat County (Colo.) 4
- Ouray (Colo.) 4
- Weld County (Colo.) 4
- Breckenridge (Colo.) 3
- Green River (Wyo.) 3
- Lake City (Colo.) 3
- Minturn (Colo.) 3
- Silver Plume (Colo.) 3
- Woodland Park (Colo.) 3
- Canon City (Colo.) 2
- Cheyenne (Wyo.) 2
- Colorado City (Colo.) 2
- Grand Junction (Colo.) 2
- Greeley (Colo.) 2
- Las Animas County (Colo.) 2
- Loveland (Colo.) 2
- Meeker (Colo.) 2
- Provo (Utah) 2
- Rock Springs (Wyo.) 2
- Utah County (Utah) 2
- Ames (Colo. 1
- Anaconda (Colo.) 1
- Brownsville (Colo.) 1
- Carbon County (Wyo.) 1
- Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico) 1
- Daggett County (Utah) 1
- Eldora (Colo.) 1
- Emery County (Utah) 1
- Fairplay (Colo.) 1
- Fort Collins (Colo.) 1
- Fort Washakie (Wyo.) 1
- Grand County Colorado 1
- Green River (Wyo.-Utah) 1
- Ironton (Colo.) 1
- Marshall Pass (Colo.) 1
- Mesa County (Colo.) 1
- Rawlins (Wyo.) 1
- Red Cliff (Colo.) 1
- Rocky Mountain National Park (Colo.) 1
- Salt Lake County (Utah) 1
- San Marcial (N.M.) 1
- Silverplume (Colo.) 1
- Toltec Gorge (N.M.) 1
- Trinidad (Colo.) 1
- Victor (Colo.) 1
- Ward (Colo.) 1
- Westminster (Colo.) 1
Show More - Type of Material...
- Albumen prints 5439
- Photographic prints 4563
- Black & white photographs 2527
- Sample books 1549
- Portrait photographs 1275
- Cabinet photographs 891
- Stereographs 710
- Film negatives 629
- Card photographs 384
- Glass negatives 219
- Cartes de visite 202
- Group portraits 112
- Cityscapes 42
- Cityscape photographs 35
- Aerial views 21
- Panoramic views 19
- Panoramic photographs 9
- Collodion printing-out paper prints 8
- Group photographs 8
- Boudoir card photographs 4
- Portraits 4
- Studio portraits 4
- Advertisements 3
- Nitrate negatives 3
- Photographic prints--Color 3
- Bird's-eye views 2
- Black & white photographs. 2
- Card mounts 2
- Composite photographs 2
- Stereograph 2
- Vignettes 2
- Advertising 1
- Bird's-eye view prints 1
- Black &white photographs 1
- Cabinet cards 1
- Cartes de visite--Color 1
- Imperial card photographs 1
- Photographic postcards 1
- Photomontages 1
- Portraits photographs 1
- Postcards 1
- Stereocards 1
- Sterographs 1
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- Creator...
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